Ice-Cream Friends

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Starting today, that's what you were known as.

The Host Club's Princess.

For the next week, life was a big improvement from what you were used to. Ranka and Haruhi were happy to have you living with them. Your dad was locked up in jail and you never even had to interact with him at his trial. All was well.

About two weeks after you joined the club, Tamaki gathered everyone outside of school hours to discuss his idea for what he called a fun club activity. "Love Love Quest!" he beamed at everyone. You and the other hosts all look at each other, waiting for details. It was like he expected you to read his mind. "Uh.. I think we'll need some elaboration, Boss." Hikaru says, leaning on your shoulder. Tamaki huffs. "Ugh alright. So the Love Love Quest is something I've come up with to give our guests the opportunity to test out their romantic compatibility!" You stand there thinking. "Their compatibility with each other or us?" Kyoya was already aware of this idea. "With us ofcourse. Otherwise they'd fall in love with each other and forget the host club." You nod your head and keep listening.

This whole idea seemed very.. interesting.. to you.

"So why are we gathered at a shopping mall?" Haruhi asks from beside you. Tamaki was very excited. "I was getting to that! Since we have our two weeks of school break soon, that's how long this will last!" Kaoru was skeptical. "Do you really think they'll fall in love so quickly?!" Honey answers him. "Well, they're basically in love with us already! And they really seem to like Y/n!"

Tamaki clears his throat. "Like I was saying! We'll need to get a whole bunch of new clothes!" Haruhi went to object. "But I—" Tamaki interrupts. "Oh Haruhi! Don't you worry! We'll cover both you and Y/n since we know you're broke!" Your eyes widen with how bluntly he said it. "Wow.. Rich people are so blunt. No wonder Uncle Ranka doesn't like you." Haruhi nods. "Get used to it." She turns to the boys. "But actually, Y/n can afford it." Hikaru didn't get it. "How? I thought you guys were poor!" That made you laugh a little while Haruhi explained. "She inherited it from her mom. That woman really knew how to manage her money." Honey was thinking. "Knew? Don't you mean knows? And I thought people only really inherit things after someone dies?" It seemed like there was suddenly a sad-ish shadow cast over you and you look away.

Mori understood why. "Her mother passed." he explains, putting his hand on your shoulder. "Oh... I'm sorry." Honey apologizes. You nod and wipe your arm against your eyes. You feel a hand slide into yours. It was Mori's. You look up at him and wait for him to explain himself. "We should get ice-cream before we go shopping." He doesn't wait for you or any of the others to reply before he walks off, dragging you behind him.

You manage to keep up with his pace until you all arrive at the ice-cream parlor in the shopping mall. "Mori! You walk so fast!" He pats your head. "Sorry." All of you get the ice-cream you wanted and sit together. You were doing a little side to side dance in your seat, enjoying your treat.

You were looking around and see a boy looking at you. Trying to be friendly, you twiddle your fingers at him, saying hello. He lightly blushes and waves back. You smile a little and look back at those you were sat with.

Watching you laugh with Haruhi, the boy talks to his friends about you. "Guys. Look at that girl over there. She's gorgeous." he says, swooning. Friend1 laughs at him. "Yeah she is. But you're too chicken to get her number." Friend2 rolls his eyes. "Don't tease him so much. She's surrounded by guys. A girl that beautiful probably already has a boyfriend." Friend3 was an encouraging female friend. "Go talk to her! Maybe their just her friends. Plus she looks a lot like that guy next to her." She was talking about Haruhi.

Mori could partially hear their conversation.

The boy gets up to shoot his shot. You didn't notice he was there until you see all the boys and Haruhi looking at him. "What are you guys looking a— oh it's you. Hello!" you cheer, greeting him with a smile. He stutters a little. "U-Um. H-Hi. I was just- um. I was just um." He was getting red and you were slightly concerned. "Are you okay? Do you need some help?" you ask, getting up and placing a hand on his shoulder. He shakes his head quickly. "No!" You let go. "Oh.. um.. okay.." He realizes he may've sounded a bit harsh. "I'm sorry! You're just really pretty like absolutely gorgeous and I was wondering if you had a boyfriend because maybe we could go out sometime?!" he finally says, or rather, yells.

His friends were talking about him. "He's practically a tomato! Haha!" Friend1 snorts. "That poor boy was doomed the second he got to the table." Friend2 sighs. "Yeah.. still a work in progress." Friend3 huffs.

You hadn't had anyone be so bold before. "Oh? Um. Well I actually don't have—" Mori didn't know what came over him but he was suddenly at your side with his arm around your waist. "She's not interested." he hisses at the boy, his gaze penetrating his soul. The boy's pupils dilate and he manages to get redder as he stares at the man towering over him. "Oh sh:t we have to go grab him before he goes and gets his a—s beat!" Friend1 says, hurrying to get up.

They all rush over to retrieve their friend. "Sorry about him! He gets nervous and shuts down sometimes!" Friend3 apologizes. You were feeling a little warm in the face due to Mori's hand placement. "I-It's okay! And um—" You glance at Mori. He was still staring the boy down. You give him a slight nudge and look to the boy with a smile. "He's- He's not actually gonna hurt you. D-Don't worry." Mori pulls you closer to him and his hand lowers to your hip, while his other hand joins it on your other hip. "I won't?" You were shocked at his behavior. "Mori! What has gotten into you?!" you question. You look at the boy again. "He won't. I promise. And I'm so sorry for any anxiety he may've caused you." you say with a reassuring smile.

Friend2 starts pulling them all away. "It's alright. Bye!" You wave. "Have a good day! All of you are pretty too by the way!" They wave back with blush on their cheeks.

As they were walking off, Mori let's go of you to think about your question. What had gotten into him?

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now