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Y/n L/n. Mom. She's dead. Yeah. Car accident. Your dad became an abusive alcoh0lic after her death. You looked just like your mother and that did not help. He was keeping you out of school for the last month and was not taking care of you. Now despite the fact that you could be pretty strong, he was stronger, and also owned a couple of guns.

But today, he'd gone to extremes to cause you pain. "You're why your mother died." he'd told you.

A part of you did agree.

That day, she was rushing to pick you up from school because the thought had slipped both her and your father's mind. Then a huge truck came and hit her from the side, instantly killing her.

Anyways, besides your father, you had a transgender uncle and a cousin. Haruhi Fujioka. You and her had always had a great bond and got along, especially after both your mothers died. But when your father started keeping you from school, you lost contact. To cover up any suspicion, your dad took your phone and texted her. "I hate you. And I'm glad your mother died. Stay away from me." Haruhi was concerned and sent you tons of messages, some angry, some worried, only to receive no reply.

But now, you escaped your house and took off running to where you knew Haruhi went to school. She told you about the host club situation and you frantically running around searching for her, yelling her name. "HARUHI! HAS ANYONE SEEN HARUHI!" You looked totally dishelved and out of place. A girl sees you. "Um. If you mean Haruhi Fujioka, he's in Music room 3.. down the hall." You thank her and run off.

You slam the doors wide open.

"Welcome to the Our—" the blonde club leader begins. You get the chance to catch your breath at the doorway. "Haruhi.. please i need your.." you pass out. At first, Haruhi didn't recognize you with the bruises and tattered clothing. But she watches you fall to the ground and realizes who you are. "OH MY GOD Y/N!" She runs to kneel by your side, trying to figure out if you were alive. The boys come over. "Haruhi? Do you know this girl?" Tamaki asks. She holds your head in her lap. "Thats not important right now! We have to help her!" she says, sounding very worried. Kyoya gets on one knee and checks your pulse and breathing. He pushes up his glasses. "She's still alive and breathing. But she appears to have been beaten." He stands up again. "Mori-Senpai. Could you please carry her to one of our beds in the back?" Mori lifts you bridal style and nods, walking off. Honey follows him. Haruhi stands up and follows too. "I wonder who that girl is?" Hikaru questions. Kaoru nods. "Do you think maybe she's one of Haruhi's poor friends?" Tamaki taps his chin. "That would make sense! She does look sort of...rough! Thats the word!" he says. "Maybe if we got her cleaned up a bit, she'd look better!" Hikaru suggests.

About twenty minutes later, you wake up, but in different clothes. Well more like.. less clothes. Well.. almost no clothes. Just a white sheet that couldn't be seen through. When you awaken, you feel someone touching your hair and look in their direction. It was Tamaki. He was laying sideways on the bed next to you. "Oh? You're awake." You assess the situation and scream. He was alarmed. "No wait. Don't be afraid!" You back away from him but still remain on the king sized bed, which was a surprising size for a bed inside a school. You made sure to hold the sheet to cover yourself. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Your messy hair draped around your shoulders perfectly. He kneels on the bed and puts his hands in front of him.

The other guys burst in the room. "We heard a scream?" Honey questions. They all see you cowering away from Tamaki. Kaoru gasps. "Wow President! Are you being a pervert?!" Tamaki was frantic. "No! Ofcourse not!" You look back and forth between Tamaki and the boys. "Th-Then why am I half naked in a bed next to you? And why were you touching me?" Hikaru covers his mouth. "Wow Boss, that does sound pretty perverted." Tamaki grabs his own hair. "I just thought her hair was interesting! I swear I'm not a pervert!" Kyoya has a comment. "Well we stripped of your old, ragedy clothing and now Haruhi has gone off to get you a change of clothes. But Tamaki, I must say, those other actions do make you look bad." You grip the sheet tightly. "Um. Um. Who's we?" Honey answers you. "Oh he just means Haruhi! He wouldn't let us get near you! Especially not Tama-chan!" You look down at him. "O-Oh.. um. Okay.." Tamaki looks at you. "So uh.. who are you?" You shift further away from him. "Um.. I know this is your club and all but, could we talk later? I'd like to be alone until I'm clothed.." Tamaki gets up and bows. "Ofcourse. Apologies my sweet."

You give him an off look but don't say anything, watching all the boys start to leave. "Um. Wait.." They turn and look at you. "Yes?" Kyoya says. You point to the corner. "Theres a spider.." Tamaki shrieks and jumps back onto the bed with you. "WHAT?! WHERE?!" You stare. "Um. The corner. So you must be Tamaki?" He looks at you. "How'd you know?!" You tuck your hair away from your face. "Haruhi told me about you." His eyes sparkle. "Really?! What did he say? That I'm charming, handsome, amazing?" You shake your head. "More like..." He looked sweet and you didn't want to hurt him. "Um.. special." The twins whisper among themselves. "Haruhi definitely didn't say that." "She must be just trying to be nice." Mori goes to the corner you pointed at and picks up the spider. Kyoya drags Tamaki out. "Goodbye." he says. Mori bows to you before leaving. He meets your eyes just for a second before turning away and walking out the door.

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