Snap Back

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You didn't like the girl's tone at all and slide off of Haruhi's back. Her arms were crossed and she didn't look happy but you were no where near intimidated. Not in the slightest. You copy her pose. "Maybe if you'd tweek your attitude, we could have a conversation."

Now, the hosts were popular. But so was this girl and her posse. People in the halls, guys and girls, stopped to watch who dared to snap back at the queen of the school.

"I don't know who you are and quite frankly, I don't care. But these are OUR boys." She snatches Haruhi from beside you. "...and it's in your best interest not to try taking what doesn't belong to you." Haruhi rubs her arm. "Um..." You cock your head. "Haruhi." The way you said her name gave her a warning that your irritation level was rising. She tries to defuse the situation. "Um.. Akuma there's really no need for all this.."

So Akuma was the leader's name.

You nod your head and snatch Haruhi right back next to you, staring dead into the girl's eyes. "Yeah Akuma. There's no need for all that." You emphasize her name. Kyoya steps in, pushing up his glasses. "I'll have to third that, Akuma." Tamaki steps up. "And I'll be the fourth. There's no need to be rude to Y/n." Honey nods. "Yeah she's our friend!" Mori nods in agreement. The twins stand side by side, also agreeing.

Akuma was slightly taken aback. "But boys, you've always been ours!" Tamaki shakes his head and puts his hand on her shoulder. "While it is true we've spent much time together, you couldn't possibly believe you actually own us." She pouts. "What do you see in her?" You peek from behind Tamaki. "That I'm not a psychopath?" She wouldn't let go of her pride. "Everyone knows we're the shit, bitch." You look at Haruhi. "She's lucky it's my first day." She gets closer to Haruhi, taking her hand. "I can be your Lindsay Lohan." Two of her four minions match up with Hikaru and Kaoru. "We can be Madonna." they say. The other two twirl to Kyoya and Honey. "We can give you Marilyn Monroe." they say, their dress skirts flowing. Akuma steps toward Mori and puts her hand on his chest, looking up at him. "I can be Rihanna." They all had to touch the boys in some way.

You ended up watching from behind them all and squeeze yourself through the tiny space between Mori and Akuma, making her and her henchwomen back up. "So call me Y/n, loves, I'm your extra dose of drama. Your fans call you mother, but bitch, my fans'll call me mama." You'd hoped they'd back off, but no. "I can give you **** ***." she says, setting her eyes on Mori again. You and all the hosts' eyes widen at what she said. You thought that since what she said was so bold, that'd be her finishing statement. But her mouth opened again as she propped her hands on her hips and you knew she wasn't done. But it was getting old already and you weren't gonna let her continue much longer. "I can give you Janet. I can give you bjork—"

You cut her off. "No I don't think you'd understand it." You give her a taste of her own medicine. "I can give them sex doll, bitch they'd love these legend lips." You drag two of your fingers down your lips and wink at her. You scan your eyes over them. "And ladies I can give them model, with or without these nice tits." You push your chest up. Their reaction was satisfying enough. "Boys." You snap your fingers in the air once and they instantly follow you, as if they were mindless robots.

"Who is that girl?!" Akuma growls, practically steaming from her ears. You stop to answer, but didn't turn around. "Since you don't know, I'm Y/n." You look at her over your shoulder. "Y/n Fujioka." You strut down the hall, waving and smiling at all the people watching, and leave a buffering Akuma behind.

You get all the way to the host club. Honey was still a little uncomfortable. "Those girls went a little far." You pat his head. "Listen, Honey, that's over." You look behind the boys. "Oh? I didn't know the host club had male guests too?" Kyoya was confused. "Hm? Usually we don't." You point at all the guests waiting to be let in. "Then today must be your lucky day." When they turn, the hosts see plenty of eager girls and boys wanting to get in. "Well it seems that Y/n has brought us new guests." Tamaki says, letting everyone in. They almost completely ignore the hosts and instantly surround you. They were all smiling and asking questions. You'd never been used to this much attention and you smile uncontrollably trying to answer them. Kyoya whisks the hosts away to another room. "I think we're forgetting someone." Haruhi says, obviously hinting to you. "She should be fine." Kyoya says and continues on with what he was saying. "I think it would be a good idea to make Y/n our first female host."

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now