What It Means

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"This was an amazing date, Takashi. I'll never forget it." you say with a wide smile. He was still holding your hand, and gives it a soft kiss. "I can't say I will either. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Haruhi opens the door. "I thought I heard you out here. Come on! I want to hear all the details!" You and Mori both laugh as she goes and waits on the bed. "You were so sweet to me tonight, more than I expected, and this felt really special." He blushes and says something that played with your heart strings. "Well, to me, you are special." Your face heats up and there's eye contact. Butterflies swarm your knotted stomach and you hear your heart beating out of your chest.

He breaks the silence. "Haruhi's waiting. Goodnight, beautiful." As you stood there frozen, he leans down and plants a kiss on your cheek before slowly backing away to leave. His hand didn't release yours until he was too far to reach. You watch him turn around and start down the hall.

Breaking you from the entrance, Haruhi loudly says your name with a clap. "Y/n!" You flinch. "Coming! I'm coming!" You come in and shut the door behind you. "Haruhi~" you squeak. She laughs. "It sounds like it was a success?" You bellyflop onto the bed and give a heavy sigh. "He was so.. so.. ugh. My heart is so happy." You go on to fill her in on everything. "But he said he wanted to win because my first kiss shouldn't have been with a stranger." She raises a brow. "But he didn't know—" You nod. "Yeah, that's what I said but he said on the cheek or lips, either way he didn't want it to be a stranger." She groans. "That's a bummer."

You shake your head, putting your hand up. "But literally just before he left he said 'you're special to me.' And I'm like what?! So much to think about. What if he's playing me?" Haruhi calms your nerves. "Mori isn't that type of guy, I'm sure. Maybe he doesn't even realize what he's doing." You shrug. "Maybe not. I'm just gonna go shower now." She points at your clothes. "Wait is that his?" You realize you still had his jacket and smile. "Hehe.. Yeah~ It smells just like him too. I'll give it back after I shower." you say, leaving it on the bed.

Timeskip to when you were knocking on the door to Mori and Honey's room. "Come in!" you hear Mori call. He thought you were Honey, who had left to eat some treats. You come and see him standing in only sweats, the water from his shower still sliding down his muscled torso. "Ah! I'm sorry!" you shriek. He quickly grabs a shirt. "I thought you were Mitsukuni!" You were facing the door with your hands over your face, the jacket secured under your arm. "I'm so sorry!" His hand lands on your shoulder. "Don't worry, really. It was my fault. What are you here for?" You hold out the jacket, still not looking at him. It makes him chuckle. "You left me with your jacket! I just wanted to return it before it started smelling like me!" He turns you around and pulls your hand down. "I'm decent now. You can look." he says, smirking at you. You nervously laugh. "Heh heh.. right." He takes a whiff of his jacket. "Hm.. it smells a little like you. I don't mind it though. You always smell nice."

He catches your gaze and you stand there looking into his eyes. But then you turn away. "Come on, Takashi. You can't keep doing this.." He raises a brow. "Doing what?" You gesture between yourselves. "This! I don't know what it is! You went the extra mile to win that date but now that I ask why, you say it's just to protect me from other people!" He didn't follow. "What's wrong with that?" You sigh. "Nothing when it's just that. But it isn't. just. that. You just told me that I'm special to you. Why am I special, Takashi? And don't say it's because I'm the first female host or any of that other crap you've been feeding me."

He sighs, trying to form an answer. He was having a hard time finding the words.

"Or is it all in my head? I know you haven't been the type of guy to get romantically involved. But you treat me so differently that I just thought maybe... maybe there was a bigger reason that wasn't so platonic." You were looking at the floor.

He finally says something. "It's not in your head." You look up at him. He seemed distressed by his thoughts. "I just.. don't know what I'm thinking."

He sits on the bed a few feet away from where you stood still. "Your body.." He takes a quick up-down look at your pajamas.  "It stuns me. And you yourself are absolutely gorgeous. And we spend a lot of time together." He sighs and grabs his own hair. "You're smart, funny, kind, caring, energetic. You have all these small things about you that I notice. I just can't seem to figure out why I notice them. Then there's the funny feeling I get sometimes when we're together." He clasps his hands. "And you're right. I'm not usually the romantic type. So I don't know what any of this means or if it means what I think it might.. All I know is that this feeling is new and only you make me feel it."

Your eyes had widened long ago but his last statement helped you decide to take your chances. If any time was right, it was now.

You grab his face, though he was still sat on the bed, and lean in close. Your lips smash against his and carry loads of passion with them.

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