They Talk

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Your eyes were wide as you watch the authorities come in and take over. They cuff him. "Mr. D/n L/n, you are under arrest for trespassing, public endangerment, child abuse and neglect." They go on to read him his rights. He wasn't leaving without a fight but since he resisted so much they tased him. As he gets dragged out, students start clapping for both the police and Mori.

Several girls come up and crowd him. "Mori-Senpai! You're so brave!" "Oh you're so strong!" "That was so cool!" "So amazing!" Again, Honey basically teleports to Mori's shoulders. "Hehe! No doubt! Takashi is amazing! But we have to get going!" he tells them.

They all watch Mori reach for you and start pulling you away. They give 'aw's and pout but don't get in the way. On the way to the office, people keep chattering and pointing but you try not to focus on that and focus on your footsteps instead.

"Are you alright, Y/n? I can feel you shaking." Mori says. You look up. "Huh? Oh.. yes. I'm fine. Thank you for what you did.." He nods. "Its my pleasure. No parent should make their child fear them. But your father does and he's hurt you more than enough." You nod and remain silent for the remainder of the walk.

Finally, you get to the office and step inside. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Haruhi. You run over to her and her dad. "Haruhi! Uncle Ranka!" You all share a group hug, making you feel warm and loved. Honey and Mori turn to leave. "Bye Y/n! Bye Haruhi! We have to go to class now!" "Goodbye." Mori says. You both wave him goodbye.

Ranka holds your face in his hands. "Sweet girl, did he find you?" You nod as tears form in your eyes. "Y-Yeah. And he was yelling and it was really scary.. And- And- He tried to grab me but Mori like- he did some sort of like f-fighting move and pinned him then all the c-cops showed up and then-" Ranka pulls you into his chest. "Shh Shh calm down. It's all okay now. You're gonna be okay, honey." Your hands tighten on the fabric of his shirt. He strokes your hair and Haruhi rubs your back. "We have good news, though. The chairman just stepped out for a minute but he said that you should be able to transfer here since your old school followed the same curriculum. You'd just have to catch up on the last month and I could help you with that since we'll be in the same class." Haruhi tells you. You smile a little. "Really?" Ranka nods. "Really. All that's left is for me to do the paperwork! And now you can come stay with us since your dad is locked up. I can adopt you too since we're related!" Your smile grows larger. "Oh yay!"

Timeskip about an hour later, you were headed to class with Haruhi.

"We must've missed some stuff but our teacher was told ahead of time and set our work aside." You nod. "Oh okay good!" You enter the class and see the twins in the back. One nudges the other and they both wave at you. You wave back. After introducing yourself to everyone, you take a seat next to them and Haruhi. The teacher gave the assignment and then went to compile the work you'd need. "The Boss is gonna be so jealous when he finds out your in our class too!" Hikaru snickers. You laugh a little. "He probably won't be too bothered haha."

Throughout the day, you stick with Haruhi. You two held hands a lot but that was just to make sure you didn't get lost. All day people at school whispered about you, Mori, and Haruhi. At lunch, you'd been returning from the bathroom and hug Haruhi from behind and around her shoulders. "Haruhi! The soap smells so nice here! My hands are so soft!" You smush her cheeks so she could feel, making her laugh. "Haha! Y/n!"

You see some girls looking over, not looking very happy. "Hey Haru what's up with these girls looking at me weird?" She swallows some of her lunch. "They just get possessive over the hosts sometimes. Plus, that scene earlier. They shouldn't bother you too much though." You nod. "Ah. Makes sense."

After school, you start walking to the Host Club. There were some girls you could recognize from various points in the day, who didn't like you, but they didn't actually do much but talk about you. On the way to the club, you and Haruhi bump into the rest of the hosts. "Hi!" you say to everyone. They greet you back. Some girls that were on the way to the club see you and come over to chat. Although you'd gotten dirty looks from other girls, this large group of girls was very friendly.

"I hope you're okay from earlier!" "Yeah we don't know what happened but it looked scary!" "Good thing Mori was there!"

You smile at them all and return the chatter. Soon, they left to line up at the club entrance. "Those girls are so nice! It's refreshing after dirty looks all day!" you say, casually jumping on Haruhi's back even with the girls' uniform on. It was just something you did sometimes. She catches you like it was nothing. Kyoya nods. "The girls get jealous sometimes. Sorry about them." You shake your head. "Don't worry~"

Someone clears their throat behind you and Haruhi and all of you turn to see the source. You see a few familiar faces. Ones of girls who seemed to be jealous, like Kyoya said. "We'd like to have a word with you regarding our boys.." their 'leader' says.

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