She Heard

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You left before you saw any of the other hosts and were the first to arrive at the stage. Your date today would be with Benibara.

Before any of the top three dates, contestants had to announce their plans. The days prior, both Mori and Dai had announced they'd take you to dinner at night.

You socialized with guests until everyone arrived. Finally, they did. "Y/n you left without us!" Honey pouts. You didn't look at him. "Sorry.." He didn't know why you seemed so sad in responding but hoped you'd cheer up. "Alright everyone! Time for dates!" Kyoya says. "Today should be fun.. at least for most of us. I can't be sure how Y/n's date will go." Tamaki says, shading Benibara. Haruhi stands next to you as Tamaki talks. She watched you keep your focus on the ground. "Hey Y/n. Why do—"

You look up as you hear your name. It was your turn. Lady Benibara was eager to take your hand and she led you to the center of the stage. "My date.. is a surprise! But it will be the most extravagant of them all!" Tamaki pouts. "You have to tell us what it is!" Benibara refused. "No! I want to surprise my sweet Y/n!" Mori steps up. "We need to know for safety purposes." You scoff. "Tch. Like you'd care.." He looked surprise. "What do you mean by that, Y/n? In case of emergency, we have to know your location." Hikaru and Kaoru appear next to you. Magically poofing into space like they always did. "Besides Y/n, don't you need to know how to dress?!" Hikaru says. Kaoru nods. "Yeah! Don't worry! We aren't trying to suffocate your date, just wanna keep you safe!"

You brush their hands off your shoulder. "Right. Benibara, just let them know where we're going." She sighs. "Fine. Only since you say so. We're going on a ship at sunset." You look at Tamaki, awaiting approval. "Hm. I suppose that'll suffice."

Kyoya takes notes. "Remember Benibara, this isn't your club so you have to cooperate, whether you like it or not." he warns, pushing up his glasses.

The twins were eyeing you. "What?" you ask. "Hm.." they hum in unison. "What?!" you ask again. "Something's up with you.." Hikaru insists. "Yeah... so tell us what's goin' on!" Kaoru demands. You look away from them. "Nothing. Benibara, no more drama. I am part of the host club and am also responsible for enforcing our rules. We have to finish up." You don't say anything else and wait for them to move on.

Eventually, they did. Haruhi kept watching you and you could feel her gaze, but ignored it. "We have decided to allow the mini dates to take place in the time before the bigger dates." Kyoya announces. Benibara objects. "Why?! So my sweet Y/n can have her mind clouded with other people by the time she gets to me?! This is sabotage! You're just afraid Y/n will like me more than all of you and leave the host club for us!"

You snap. "Benio Amakusa, that is enough!" you yell. All eyes fall on you. You sounded beyond upset, but it was actually because everything the guys had said was now weighing on you. "I literally just told you to stop it with all the drama! I'm not trying to annoy anyone more than I already do but you make it impossible when you keep whining and complaining every five seconds! Other people are apart of the game! It's just your job to make me want to choose you to win in the end! So stop with all the complaints and just compete, alright?!" Your breaths were heavier after you finished yelling. None of them had seen you this upset and it almost seemed like you would cry. Benibara was stunned.

Tamaki looks at you, his eyes questioning. "Wait a minute, Y/n.." He touches your shoulder. "Who said you cause any annoyance at all?" You give him a look. "You did. All of you did. Except Honey. Honey is the only one who didn't say anything at breakfast." They all realize at once. "So you.. heard us?" Hikaru questions. You push your hair from your face. "Yeah. I did. All of you."

Mori steps closer to you, about to support you, but you yank your arm from him. He looks surprised upon seeing the tears pricking your eyes. "And don't you touch me, Morinosuke. What you did was worse than everything they said." you say, pushing his chest and storming off. "Just let me know when I have a date to go to." you call back, leaving to lock yourself in your room.

All the guys were left there in pools of guilt, even Honey felt bad. You cried in your room until you got a text from Kyoya telling you where to go for the mini dates.

Everytime you saw a host, you ignored them, except for when Honey came to you bawling because he was worried about you. You assured him you were alright and thanked him for defending you.

The mini dates passed fast and you tried to use them to cheer yourself up.

Soon, it was time for the sunset ship date. You got dressed in a purple flowing dress and a blue scarf around your shoulders.

Benibara had organized for someone to send you out on a big self-driven boat alone and then you would arrive at an island. The special thing about said island is that it has plenty of sea life surrounding it, including sharks. That was going to be the best part of the date, safely watching the animals through glass that had been put there. Benibara would meet you there and then after the animals, would eat dinner with you on the boat as the sunset.

It was meant to be really nice. But mother nature decided otherwise.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now