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Tamaki gasps. "Hikaru!" Hikaru shrugs. "I'm not wrong! You were the one who made us move the entire bed into the other room!" Kaoru agrees. "Yeah! All just to feed her!" Kyoya pushes up his glasses. "Why wouldn't you just bring her the food?" Tamaki pouts. "Because Honey-Senpai put in such an effort to make her a dessert table!" You tuck your hair back. "Its okay... no harm done." They all look at you. "Well thats great to hear!" Hikaru says cheerfully.

You look towards Mori and meet his eyes.
"U-Uhm. Um.. I- I- um.." you stutter, completely forgetting what you were going to say. You blink a few times and scratch your head. "Um Sorry. Thank you..." He nods. "You're welcome."

You hold the eye contact for a second longer before turning to the others. "So my Haruhi tel—" Tamaki cuts you off, putting a hand out in front of him as if to say stop. "Woah! YOUR Haruhi? We must not go further on until you tell us who you are!" Hikaru sighs. "Boss calm down maybe she's one of Haruhi's girl friends." Kaoru nods. "That would explain why she looked so awful before arriving here!" You exchange a look with Haruhi. "Um.. Should I be offended?" She shakes her head. "Sorry. They're sort of blunt sometimes." Tamaki stomps his foot. "That is absurb nonsense! Haruhi has no friends besides us!" "When did I make you guys my friends?" Haruhi mutters. Tamaki points a finger at her. "I heard that! Besides, if this girl really were Haruhi's friend, wouldn't we have heard of her?!" Kyoya taps his chin. "That would make sense." Tamaki crosses his arms. "Exactly. My point has been proved. This girl couldn't be Haruhi's friend."

You rub your neck. "Oh uhm. Well I guess not since we're much more than friends?" Tamaki peeks at you with one eye open. "Like best friends?" You shake your head. "More than that." He drops his arms down with a gasp that was in synch with the ones the twins gave.

"You mean Haru-chan has a girlfriend? Like the romantic kind?" Honey questions, smiling. You glance at Haruhi then down at him. "What? I didn't mean—" You're cut off by Kaoru gasping again. "What if they've kissed?" You glance at Haruhi again for help but she had the same expression you did, frantic confusion. "Wait thats not what—" Kaoru's comment makes Tamaki clutch his heart. Hikaru adds fuel to the fire. "What if they're in love?!" That makes Tamaki fall into Kyoya's arms dramtically. You hold your own face. "Is he okay?!" Haruhi facepalms. "Thats not what she meant, you idiot! She's my cousin!" she tells them all, looking at Tamaki specifically.

Magically, he's perfectly fine and stands up straight. "Oh why didn't you say so sooner?! Tamaki Suoh! Nice to meet you!" He shakes your hand with a smile while you stand there lost. Still having your hand being shook, you look at Haruhi. "Are they always like this when it comes to you?" you ask her. She shrugs. "Yeah haha.." You look back at the boys as a smile grows on your face. "Aw thats sort of its own odd way..hehe." Honey's eyes light up. "Wow your smile!" You stop smiling. "Oh. Is it that bad?" He shakes his head. "No! I like it! Don't you agree Takashi?!" he asks, bouncing around. Mori looks at you. "Yes. Quite beautiful." You look away and nervously laugh. "Ha..Ha.. Thank you."

You look at the ground. "I'm uh- I apologize for causing so much trouble in your club." Tamaki beams at you. "Don't worry! Any family of Haruhi's is welcomed!" He seems a little.. too.. upbeat. "Um.. are you always this.. peppy?" you ask. He scratches his head. "Haha sorry! sorry! Please don't hate me!" You were in utter confusion so Haruhi makes things clear. "My dad doesn't like him so he's hoping you will." You laugh. "Oh haha. Don't worry about that. I'm not judgemental." He relaxes. "Thats great! So are you going to be staying with Haruhi?" You think. "Well... I didn't really think this through.. he'll go straight to her house to look for me when he wakes up. So I have no idea where I'll go."

A look of pure distress covers your face as your gaze shifts to the floor. "Might I suggest you stay with one of us?" Kyoya says. You look back up. "Oh no. No. I couldn't. I'm a complete stranger!" Honey grabs your hand again. "So? You're Haru-chan's family!" Tamaki agrees. "Yes! Which instantly makes you our family too!" Haruhi shakes her head at his dramatics. You look around at all of them. "A-Are you sure? Who would I even stay with?" Hikaru smiles. "Ofcourse we're sure!" Kaoru also smiles. "Yeah! Stay with anyone you'd like!" Your eyes skim through the group and land on Mori. "U-Uh.. 'prince'? May I stay with you?" Tamaki pouts. "Why him~?" he whines. You look at Mori then Tamaki.
"I just- I just thought maybe he'd be able to protect m-me but I can st-stay with you if thats what you pref-prefer." you spoke a bit quickly. He senses your urgency. "Don't panic! Its okay! But if you're looking for protection, I suggest Honey-Senpai!"

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