Hosts Can Be Contestants

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You come through the entryway holding a boy's hand. The same boy from the ice-cream shop about a week ago. You were smiling and so was he, both of you having flushed cheeks. Three people were behind you. The boy's friends.

Let's give them all names.
Friend 1, who teases the boy. His name is Hiroto. Friend 2, who discourages the teasing. His name is Akira.
Friend 3, the enthusiastic and very encouraging female friend. Her name is Ayaka.
And the Boy. His name is Dai.

"Or I should say a special someone and his friends, since he's brought them along for the fun!" Tamaki says, correcting himself. Mori's eyes widen but he doesn't have any other reaction. "Y/n! Join us up on stage!" Tamaki beams. You were about to but Dai pulls you back. "Um. Wait." You smile sweetly at him. "Yes, Dai?" He holds out some flowers. Pretty pink and purple ones. "For you." he says, smiling as he cheeks reddened. To you, it looked like he pulled the flowers from thin air. In reality, Akira had discreetly handed them to him. You smile and take them. "Aw this is so sweet of you! Thank you so much!" You give him a hug. When you pull away, he kisses your hand. "Ofcourse. It's my pleasure." You giggle as you make your way onto stage.

"Y/n was on a breakfast date with that boy over there for those of you confused!" Tamaki explains. Honey gasps. "Tell us about it Y/n!" Tamaki gives you the mic he'd been using. "Well.. I must say, Dai is quite the gentleman. It was a very romantic breakfast. The food was great. And Dai is a very good listener."

Kyoya takes the mic. "We're glad to hear you had fun. Now. Let's start the event. Based on an observation of chemistry between each host and contestants, ten people have been selected to participate in this event. If you were not selected, there are sign up sheets for dates with each of the hosts." The other hosts went first.

You watch people for Tamaki, Kyoya, Honey, The twins, and Haruhi. Currently it was Mori's turn. The hosts had their own seating area to watch from. Contestants were welcomed to watch, even if they weren't chosen. You watch a girl squeal because she won for Mori. There was an additional reward besides the dates.

The first place winner won a kiss on the cheek. She chose to give Mori the kiss. After she did, Mori gives her a small smile and head nod. "I'll see you at our date soon."

Next it was your turn. Mori had been having a hard time making a decision. On the stage for you was Dai, Lady Benibara, Suzuran, Hinagaku, and six other people. You join them soon after they take seats. Dai smiles and waves at you. "Hi Y/n." You smile back. "Hehe Hi Dai!" You had a lot of fun with him on the date and were still buzzing because of it.

Lady Benibara suddenly grabs you, and does her favorite thing, dipping you. "My lady, I can't wait to win this date and plant a kiss upon your precious cheek." Your cheeks flush and you couldn't manage a reply. "I- I- uh- I-"

Suddenly, you're ripped away from her. It was Mori. "It won't be you doing that. It'll be me." You and your hands layed flat against his chest and he held you around your lower back. "Please. Are you even on her list of contestants?" Benibara questions. Mori glances down at you, who looked confused. "I can be." You tap on his chest so he'd look at you again. "Mori? What are you going on about?" you ask in a slightly hushed voice.

He slowly lets go of you and looks at Kyoya. "Kyoya. I'm competing for Y/n too." Kyoya raises a brow. "But you're a host?" Mori looks at you one more time. You still seemed more than confused. But he didn't want someone else to win. Especially not that kiss. "You never said hosts couldn't be contestants." Kyoya looks in his notebook. "But she already has ten people." Mori didn't care. "Let her have eleven. She is the only girl. Make an exception for her."

That gave Kyoya an idea. "Very well. You'll compete for a date with Y/n, then." He scribbles a few words in his notebook. You were staring at Mori shocked. "Mori? Don't I get any type of explanation?" you ask, as he walks passed you to his seat. He couldn't explain yet, because he simply just didn't know why.

You huff, going to sit in your seat. "Y/n. You can go ahead." Kyoya says. You nod at him. "Okay! So I tried to make these questions ones that everyone would roughly know."

Everyone watched closely from off stage, feeling the tension between the contestants. It's important to note that everyone was on the beach, but there was a stage positioned there for the club's use.

You start your questions.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now