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The next day, as promised by Tamaki, there was more fun. Everyone was gathered on the beach.

"Alright contestants! Today we are—" He's interrupted by a guest. "Get on with it! We just want to play volleyball like Y/n promised us!" he yells. You put your finger to your lips. "Hey, let him finish. We have all day for those things, okay?" He settles down and you nod at Tamaki, who continues. "Like I was saying, today we have a beach day so that we can all get to know each other just a little bit better before we get to the real dates!" Everyone cheers. "So have fun in the sun contestants and make chemistry with our hosts!" Everybody disperses.

You head to play volleyball with the group of boys and girls like you'd promised. On the way, you grab the girl who hadn't gotten to chat with you yesterday. "I didn't forget you! Come on!" You drag her along with you. Through the day, you have 100x more fun than before. It was filled with laughter and smiles from everybody. It was so hot out that you had your shirt off and stayed in your shorts and bikini top. That definitely earned a few looks from contestants.

"Hold on guys! I need more water!" You run off to get one from the beach café and drink it on the way back. You let some of it pour over your chest to cool your body down.

A few meters away, someone was watching. Mori was watching. He thought you looked incredible. He'd always thought you were really pretty, but hadn't had the opportunity to see you like this. There were marks on your skin from previous abuse, but it didn't matter to him or to a lot of the people on the beach.

You hear a loud noise, following but concerned buzz from several people. Mori had gotten hit in the head and knocked down with a ball because he wasn't paying attention to the volleyball game he was playing. You had stopped playing so he and some other contestants could and went to build a sandcastle instead.

Anyway, you see him sitting on the ground at the center of the chaos. "Mori? Oh shoot Mori!" You run over. "Are you okay Mori? How bad did that hurt? Move your hand. Let me see if you have a bruise." You get on your knees next to him in the sand. "I- I didn't mean to! We were both distracted looking at you so I hit the ball too hard! I'm sorry!" A boy apologizes. "Looking at me?" you question, gently pressing on Mori's head. The boy nods. "It's just... the way the wind blew through your hair and the way that cold water slid down your body and how you stretched out.. it's just.. wowza.." He was on the verge of daydreaming.

Your cheeks flush. "O-Oh.. I'm sure that isn't what Mori was thinking.. heh.." Mori rubs his head. "Well actually.." Your eyes widen. "What?!" He puts a hand up. "I've never seen you like that before.. I just got a little bit distracted." He keeps his eye contact with you. That was until Tamaki appeared. "Mori-senpai! Are you okay?!" Mori explains what happened while you sit there in the sand next to him, frozen and in a flustered daze. "I think that's enough for today everyone! We won't be hosting anymore activities today but feel free to order yourselves food on our tab!" Tamaki announces. Everyone starts leaving.

Mori holds his hand out to you. "Need a hand?" You take it and he helps you up. "Th-Thanks Mori.." He nods his head. "It's nothing." You hear Haruhi call your name. "Y/n! If you want to shower first, you better hurry up!" She usually let you go first. "Oh Okay! I'm coming!"

You were about to run off but Mori grabs you and pulls you into his body. You feel his hands on your lower waist. It made you shiver since he was touching your bare skin. He leans down to whisper in your ear. "You were very distracting today. I couldn't help but stop and stare when you look this incredible." His hands slip off your body and he makes brief eye contact before he walks off to go to his room.

You didn't move until Haruhi came up to you. "Y/n? Earth to Y/n? What was that with Mori?" You snap out of it. "I- I um.." You hold your stomach. You were getting butterflies. "He just told me he couldn't help but stare because I look incredible." She looks in the direction Mori left. "Oh.. I never thought he'd be the type to say that to someone." She looks back at you. "But he's making you feel things, isn't he?" You start nodding your head. "Yeah... for sure." She grabs your hand. "How about we go have our showers and then talk about it?" You let her lead you back to your room.

Meanwhile, with Mori and Honey. "Takashi! Were you really so distracted by Y/n?!" he asks, bouncing around. Mori nods. "I couldn't help it when she looked that good. She always looks beautiful, but today was the first time I've seen her like that." Honey snickers. "Takashi! You usually call girls pretty, but you say Y/n is beautiful." Mori nods. "Yes.. I think she's pretty too, though. And I have this unfamiliar feeling when I'm around her." Honey gasps but doesn't reveal why. "What is it Mitsukuni?" Honey shakes his head.

He knew that what he was thinking was something Mori might figure out in the activity for the next day.

"Nothing! Can I shower first?" Mori wasn't sure what Honey was thinking, but decides to let it go. "Alright. Go ahead."

Let's go back to you and Haruhi.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now