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You were sitting on the deck, enjoying the smell of the ocean water. Drizzles of rain start pricking your skin. You look up at the sky with a disappointed frown. •Aw no! Not the rain!• The clouds looked gray and covered the sky.

Your phone pings. Mori. With an eye roll and a heavy sigh, you open his text. "I'm coming on another boat to come and get you." You furrow your brows. "No. I have date to go on." He replied fast. "Now isn't the time to be difficult. There's a bad storm coming and it isn't safe out there." You groan and mutter annoyed nonsense as you respond. "Send someone else. I don't care who. Just not you."

He didn't understand what was going on with you. "Y/n I really don't understand why you're upset with me. I wasn't even at breakfast while they were talking about you." You were fed up with him. "It's almost as if you used me for my body and then denied anything between us 😃" you message as you head indoors because the rain was getting heavier. You see that he read the message, but as far as you knew, he didn't reply.

Back on mainland, Benibara returned from the Island. Haruhi was worried about you being alone. Mori was trying to text you. "The messages aren't sending anymore.." he tells the others. The storm was getting worse. "We can't just leave her out there!" Haruhi shouts, terrified. They start getting onto the second boat to track you.

Back with you, the back and forth with Mori was ticking you off and you decided to ignore the conversation. Although you were now in a sour mood, you could acknowledge the danger you were in. The boat was moving a lot and there was sea water splashing on deck as the wind knocked things over. Lightning cracked and thunder boomed. You, like Haruhi, weren't fond of storms, but you could handle the noise better.

The thing you were more concerned about was the ocean. Sinking was your biggest fear.

As you tried texting some of the others, you realize there was no way to get through for communication.

Trying not to panic, you pace around and brainstorm solutions. All you could come up with was driving the boat to the island or back to the beach. Your hands shook as you gripped the controls and attempted to navigate. You felt like you were getting nowhere until you saw the island in the distance. Now, things seemed to be going great.

That was until you crashed.

There was a big rock that managed to escape your sights. You rammed straight into it. The boat wouldn't move anymore. It had to either be broken or caught on something.

But then your heart dropped and your stomach twisted itself in knots. You seemed to be getting lower and lower. This was bad. You had gotten closer to the island. That meant there would be wildlife in the water. Sharks, eels, stingrays, jellyfish, basically a whole bunch of things that would hurt.

But as usual, someone would be coming to your rescue.

Unbeknownst to you, there was a tracker on the boat you were on which meant you could be found after a little searching. You'd ran onto the deck again to look out into the water. It starts filling into the boat.

You considered climbing onto the rock, but it wasn't quite large enough to sit on. It'd have to be a last resort.

You shriek and scramble to get off the ground as some fish swim into the boat. Within ten minutes you'd be underwater along with them.

The hosts were speeding on the boat, trying to get to you as soon as possible. You were soaking wet, freezing cold, hopeless, afraid, and shaking as the storm went on. If you were left alone much longer, you likely wouldn't make it.

You become hopeful as you hear people's voices. The rainfall was so heavy that you couldn't even see their ship approaching until they turned on the boat's headlights. "There's the boat! It's sinking!" you hear someone shout. They slow down to stop the boat near yours. They hadn't spotted you yet.

All the screaming and squealing and crying you did as you panicked had made your voice sound strained. You'd been fending in the sinking ship for almost twenty minutes. At the moment, you were clinging to the rock. It wasn't stable in the water and constantly moved. The boat's lights blinded you more than the rain already had. Finally, someone saw you. "She's there! On that rock!" It sounded like Honey. They all rush to the railing.

You lift your hand up to make sure they saw you.  "H-Help me.." You could see there were sharks swimming near you. Maybe you'd accidentally gotten a cut from trying to stay afloat? You weren't sure, but you were beyond scared. You try to get further up onto the rock but it wasn't working.

It was clear to the boys that something was happening. "Y/n hang tight! We'll save you!" Tamaki yells. You were panicking. "Hurry up! Th-There's sharks!" you yell.

Not even half a minute later, someone was coming down to you with a rope. Mori, ofcourse, given he would probably be best for the job. The other boys would pull you and him up. He holds his hand out to you and watches you hesitate. "Y/n, let's go! Now!" You were still in an upset, frantic state of mind. "No! I can't get to you! You're too far and  you can't catch me!" He reaches out farther. "I will! Trust me!" You look him in the eyes. "I can't!"

He knew you were still mad at him but you were also afraid for your life. "Y/n, if you want me to tell the whole world how much I feel for you, I will. I made a mistake and I know it hurt. Just please, come to me, before you get hurt!" A big part of you wanted to but there was still doubt. "Please." he pleads. You give in. As you move to reach for his arm, you slip.

Your dress was caught on something. Or rather.. something caught your dress and yanked you under the water.

The Female Host (OHSHC x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now