Chapter 1

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Not many know that in the middle of the forest, not far from a small village, resides a beautiful witch.

The maiden, Rosette, was quite known among the village folks. It was her outstanding beauty and her kind heart that they had always praised and talked about. She was often praised like a saint. But she, however, was the opposite of a saint.

A witch

With light arms, she lifted the handle and carried the empty bucket in her hand as she went to turn the knob. Upon opening the door, she exited the small cottage and made her way outside.

The maiden made sure to close the door behind her before heading to the dark and eerie forest.

She had always gone as early as sunrise, solely for the very reason that she could finish as early as possible and return to her cottage quickly.

She was on her way to fetch water on the lake at dawn.

The maiden's quiet treads were heard as she walked, humming a soothing melody as she enjoyed the feeling of the chilly wind. She loved how the cold breeze was surrounding her like a blanket. The bright light was afloat in front of her, lighting her path as she walked in the eerie forest, guiding her own way with her magic.

She made slow and careful steps, taking her time to admire the trees and flowers that she passed through. Rosette had always loved the pleasant smell of nature, as it was like her own home that she knew very well.

The sound of leaves and small branches crunched beneath her feet as she took steps. 'The sun will rise soon..' Thought the maiden.

Her long black hair remained untangled and fine. Her long dress, however, was being swayed so subtly and moved by the strong body of wind spirit that recognized her.

The maiden quickly halted to a sudden stop. Her humming lowered as soon as she heard the rustlings nearby. She stopped and warily looked around, the light of fear rose inside her.

'What was that?'


'An animal?'

A painful grunt echoed in the eerie dark forest, followed by a loud thud. She turned to the direction of the noise, with her heart beating faster, carrying the fear of what lies beyond her sight. The maiden flinched in surprise when a bloody hand emerged from the bushes. The terrified maiden took a few steps back and was preparing to flee from the sight.

"He.. help" His last word was barely above whisper. Though her fear was evident, Rosette took the courage to look at the source of the voice. She was dumbfounded when she heard the voice pleading for help.

Upon moving closer and lighting the path, she saw a masculine figure on the ground. His body had wounds and blood that were unpleasant to the maiden's sight.

"My goodness.." She whispered. She looked away in an instant, as soon as she saw the crimson red.

She was not fond of blood.

After a certain time of avoidance, the maiden managed to force herself to look at the body of the stranger. She slowly turned to him and squinted her eyes so she would not be able to see the blood as much.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now