Chapter 3

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Reagan hurriedly cleaned his mess.

His heart was beating faster and faster as the tread came closer.

He made sure it was unnoticeable. He sat back on the bed with a flushed face, he tried to act like nothing happened.

He was nervously waiting for the door to open, expecting Rosette to enter. He wanted to properly apologize for his behavior and for not knocking earlier.

"..Hah. I shouldn't have done that.."

He was worried that the maiden would see him in a bad light. His heart began to beat faster, nervously waiting for the door to open.


He was baffled.

A cat?

Did Rosette perhaps have a pet?


Reagan got off the bed and walked to the door to check. As he was about to touch the knob, the door suddenly opened, so slightly. A small little silhouette made its way to the room. Though it was dark, he was able to tell that it was indeed, a cat.

The door then fully opened. The sight of Rosette who was now dressed in her nightgown, holding a lit candlestick enters Reagan's view.

"It's getting dark so I came to light the lamps in here." Rosette made her way in.

"Ah, yes. Please go ahead." Reagan suddenly lost the courage to talk about the bath incident earlier. He was quite nervous, to say.

Rosette acted like she was unbothered but her blushing red face says otherwise. She didn't know what else to do, other than play dumb and innocent.

'To think that he saw my waist up, bare and exposed is so embarrassing..'

Rosette wanted the ground to swallow her and hide forever.

Reagan who wanted to ease the awkwardness tried to start a conversation with her. "Ah. You have a cat?"

"Her name is Melody." Rosette happily replied. She loves talking about things she loves, which makes Reagan's approach quite effective.

"Did you name her?"

Rosette nodded at him as she lit up the lamps. The room was now brighter.

"It's a pretty name."

"Thank you." With a soft voice, she smiles.

"About earlier..." Reagan scratched the back of his neck. "I apologize again, for intruding without knocking. I am willing to take responsibility if you wa-"

"No, it's fine Reagan..!" She cuts him off, not letting him finish. She knew what he was going to say.

'This guy... Hah.'

'Is he saying he's willing to be my husband by taking responsibility?'

'This man really-'

Rosette babbled and ranted to herself. She turned around and looked at him straight in the eyes.

He was actually serious.

"It's not a big deal so you don't have to worry about it," Rosette assures him.


"Meow." The two seemed to have forgotten about the cat for a moment.

"Right..." Rosette bent down to pick up the white cat. "This is Melody." she changed the subject.

"Hello." Reagan pats the cat on Rosette's hands. Rosette brought the cat to Reagan's face, she was about to give the cat to Reagan.

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