Chapter 11

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Rosette lets out a sigh. 'I can't face Reagan these days...'

'Everything was going well, until he caught me caressing his face.' Rosette winced in embarrassment as she remembered the moment.

'It's so embarrassing that I can't even tease him anymore.' Thought Rosette, as she strolled around the cottage to water her flowers.

"In the first place... Why did I even do that?"

"-ette..." Reagan called for the fifth time.

'Why is she avoiding me...' Reagan sulkily wondered, feeling anxious, as he watched Rosette make excuses to avoid him for the past few days.

'It has been three days...' Reagan followed after Rosette, just like what he always do.

"Rosette..!" Hearing Reagan's voice made her walk away from her spot.

"Wait, Rosette..!" Reagan stopped infront of her, his face entered her view, making a soft scowl.

"Did I do something wrong to upset you Rosette?" He gulped. "If there is, please say so..."

"You did nothing wrong, it's just-"

"Is it because of the aphrodisiac incident?"

"Ah, that's also not it..." Rosette avoids Reagan's eyes, her cheeks burning.

'Why bring that up..?'

Reagan went closer to to Rosette, and with pleading eyes, he spoke. "Then what is it?"

He eagerly looked at her, waiting for an answer. Reagan felt tormented when he first noticed Rosette was purposely avoiding him. He can't describe the unpleasant feeling, as it was something new and foreign, to him.

Rosette hesitated. "It's..." She looked at him. "Because you caught me touching your face while you were sleeping and all."

"And?" Reagan innocently asked, confused. "Is that all?"


"It's embarrassing you said... How so?"

"It just is, Reagan."

"Then what do I do to get you to talk to me again..."

"I'm talking to you right now, am I not?"

Reagan looked at her in the eyes. "Are you saying," He held his hand up to touch Rosette's face. "this is embarrassing?" His cheeks were tinted red.

'What is this?'

'A hidden personality of his?'

"I've been thinking about it lately, did you eat something wrong? Or perhaps, is this a hidden side of you?"

Reagan's face heats up after hearing what Rosette said. His burning face glowed red. "Wha-" He looked at her in the eyes, flustered. "W-what is that supposed to mean?"

"You've been getting more bold lately."

"I-it's because you kept avoiding me lately, it made me feel anxious that I had to build up the courage to do it..!"

"Do what?"

"It's-" His face turned to a deeper shade of red. "nothing..." He mumbled.

Reagan retracted his hand. "Please don't avoid me anymore..." He mumbled so softly as he looked down on the ground, sulking.

Rosette felt a pang. The sudden guilt was slowly crawling in as she looked at the eager Reagan. She stared at Reagan who looked like he was at fault, his head was down gloomily.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now