Chapter 15

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Rosette and Thellia were walking on the town streets, glancing at the various food stalls along way as Reagan, followed behind.

"I want a barbecue." Said Thellia, eyeing at the food.

"You can buy it later, when we're with Hennesse." Rosette glanced behind her back. "What about you, Reagan?"

"A-ah, I'm fine with anything." He spoke in a quiet but happy manner, smiling at Rosette brighly.

"Alright." She smiles back.

Thellia nudged Rosette. "Is that her? I can't see that far."

"I can see Hennesse."

Thellia held Rosette's hands. She started to speed her pace, dragging Rosette along with her to Hennesse's direction. "Let's go to her."

"Nessa!" Thellia waved from afar, grabbing Hennesse's attention.

Hennesse's lips turned to a smile. "Hello!" She greets from her post. She noticed a figure following behind them.

Her gaze shifted at Reagan. Her face twisted into a sheepish grin, she spoke in a smug manner. "Oh? Rosette brought her lover."

Reagan looked up in surprise. His pale cheeks started to glow red. Rosette, however, wasn't moved. By now, she was used to it, getting mistaken with Reagan as lovers.

Thellia spoke, laughing. "They look like it, don't they? Though, she said they were not in that kind of relationship."

"I think it's the atmosphere between them."

"The two of you are talking like I can't hear you." Rosette's lips pressed on a line.

"What was his name again?" Hennesse asked.

Reagan responded. "Reagan."

"What are the odds, both of your names starts with the same letter."

'I know.' Thought Reagan, recalling their initials he carved on a tree yesterday.

"Where should we go first?" Rosette ignored Hennesse's previous words, attempting to change the subject.

"I asked around earlier, most said they were looking forward to today's beauty contest and play."

"What time does it start?" Asked Thellia.

"The beauty contest starts in twelve noon, but the play is already on going."

"Shall we watch the play?"

"Let's see it first."

"Wait, I still need to buy the barbecue." Said Thellia, as she took a step back.

"Wait for me, I'll be back!"

Rosette and Hennesse watched Thellia run to the stall. Reagan, on the other hand, was staring at Rosette.

"I think I, would also like to buy food." Said Rosette.

Rosette turned to Hennesse. "What about you, Nessie?"

"Go ahead, I'm still full." She responded.


"I'll wait for you two here."

Rosette grabbed Reagan's hand. Dragging him along as she walked to the stalls. Reagan obediently followed her.

"Pick what you want, Reagan."

"Ah..." He mumbled, his flushed face looked down on her. "Isn't this, too much? You're helping me so much..."

Rosette brows softly furrowed. "Take it as a reward for your house work."

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