Chapter 13

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"Ha..." She lets out a breath. 'These feelings are troublesome.' Thought Rosette as she brushed Reagan's hair, who was in her arms.

'He's been touchy lately... and I like that.'

'These past days, he began to hold my hands often. And I also enjoy that.'

'But when he would carry me around as he pleased...'

Rosette's face would redden every time recalled the very moment. Her heart would race every time he was near and she wouldn't know what else to do but pretend to be dense.

'I do like him... But I just feel too embarrassed to face him.'

Her heart was already pounding against her chest as her ears were already glowing red. She gently combed Reagan's long hair, who was latched to her.

"Reagan?" She called.

"Yes?" Reagan murmured on her shoulder.

"Do you have any chores left?"

"I don't have any left, I have already finished everything." He smiled.

"That's nice." She smiled back at him, who was resting his head on her shoulder. She was thankful that he wasn't resting his head on her chest, or else he would hear her loud heartbeats.

Rosette nibbled her lips as she mustered the courage to be bold.

"Reagan?" She called as she cupped his face. Her cheeks evidently grew redder.

"Yes?" He innocently asked.

"You're too good looking to be alive." She blurted out, already embarrassed as she is.

Reagan rested his head back on her shoulder, hiding his flustered face.

"Stop teasing me, Rosette..." He softly murmured.

"Ah... I have a question." She trailed, attempting to redirect the subject.

"What is it?" He raised his head.

"Have you... Have you ever thought of returning home?"

Reagan's face turned cold at her words. Carrying a sullen look, he looked down and remained silent.



"....." Reagan silently gritted his teeth.

"Maybe you have a family waiting for your return?" Rosette asked.

"I don't..." Reagan quietly murmured.


"I'm sorry for asking."

Reagan inched his head further. "I also don't have a fiance." Reagan spoke, as if he read her thoughts.


'However, he is still a noble. I can't get too involved with him.'

"Well, what do you think about returning, Reagan?"

Reagan took a hold of her hand that was brushing through his hair. "Why are you asking me that?" He quietly asked.

"Well, our agreement was for you to only help me for a few weeks."


"It's almost a month, as of now. So you should be returning so-"

Reagan sealed Rosette's mouth with a kiss. Pulling back, he sulkily spoke. "Why are you bringing that up..."

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