Chapter 10

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"Reagan... Hngh!" Rosette gasped as Reagan continuously shoved his member in her. "I can't anymore..."


The bed shook from Reagan's hard movements. The wetness was dripping from Rosette's entrance, down the sheets. Reagan stretched her petals with his shaft, reaching her deepest ends as he penetrates her.

"Hick!" Rosette felt her nearing climax. She had already lost count on how many times she came. Her ragged breath heavily left her mouth, feeling Reagan's liquids cover her stomach.

"Reagan! You said you were going to stop earlier..." The lewd sounds filled the room as Reagan thrusts in her in bliss.


"One last time -ette..." He breathed heavily in her ears, pleading in a whine.

"Nghh." The lewd sound escaped ber mouth. "But y-you said that many times before- Ah!" Rosette struggled to talk steadily as the pleasure took over her.

"Ha... Haa..."

"-ette... It feels nice..."

Rosette covered her mmouh to prevent herself from making any more erotic sounds.

"Rosette don't cover your mouth... I want to hear your voice."




Rosette's eyelids slowly opened, the bird's cheerful chirps had woke her from her deep slumber. She felt drained from what happened yesterday.

'My legs hurt...'

'And my throat feels dry.'

She instantly felt the soreness between her legs. After staying up all night, making love with Reagan, she was left with no energy to even move a muscle. Her entire body felt sore.

It had been a while since she last woke up in her bedroom.

'Speaking of...'

She glanced at the other side of the bed, only to find it empty. Rosette plopped back down and covered her face. The memories from yesterday came flooding in.

"Haa..." She heaved a breath.

She felt ashamed and embarrassed, along with many other emotions. The heat crept to her face, making her feel hot. There was one thing she was sure of though.

"But it did feel good." She mumbled.

Rosette ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. 'How am I supposed to get along with him now?'

The memory of Reagan, repeatedly slipping in her was still very vivid. Rosette still remembered the lingering feeling. She remembered everything they did in detail.

Rosette sat up. She felt the ache as she moved. Rosette's eyes wandered down the sheets, her expression turned to confusion when she saw herself dressed in her night gown.

'Did Reagan dress me?' She wondered.

A soft huff left Rosette's lips, followed by a small smile. "How thoughtful of him, really..."

Rosette's lower body was sublty aching. She sat for a while, still feeling sleepy. Her eyes fluttered when she heard the closing footsteps.

Her heart nervously thumped. 'Should I pretend to be asleep?'

Rosette hurriedly grabbed the blanket and flung it over her. She lied back down and closed her eyes, pretending to sleep. She heard the door open.

Reagan turned the knob and went in the room. He had finished preparing a meal for Rosette, he was just waiting for her to wake up.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now