Chapter 18

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Reagan embraced Rosette's bare body, he felt the warmth of her skin touching, heating his body. Reagan's face rests on the nape of Rosette's neck. Reagan breathed on her scent, taking his time to relish the precious moment with her.

The cream blanket wrapped their bare bodies together. Reagan closed his eyes, he wanted the moment to last forever. It has almost been an hour since he had woken up. Since then, he hugged Rosette so dearly and refused to let go.

Rosette, on the other hand, was sound asleep, exhausted from their love make that lasted for a few long hours. Her after sex scent was like a bliss that touched his nose. Reagan rubbed his cheek on Rosette, finding comfort from their intimate contact.

Rosette's eyes slowly fluttered open upon feeling a heavy weight around her. Rosette turned to look, but the arms that embraced her were firm. Reagan rubbed his face on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"Ah, no."

"Are you still tired? You must sleep more if so." Reagan held Rosette's body softly.

"What time is it Reagan?"

"It's five noon, Rosette."

Rosette unwrapped Reagan's arms around her before getting up. Reagan, however, prevented her from doing so, as he had embraced her yet again, making her fall back to the bed.

"-sette, can't we stay like this for a while?" He spoke in a whiny manner.

"But we have to get ready right now. We're catching to watch the parade later, remember?"

"But still... I want to stay like this longer." Reagan rested his head on Rosette's shoulder, softy nibbling her skin.

Rosette covered his lips to stop him, only to feel Reagan's lips kiss her palm. Reagan intertwined his fingers with Rosette's, he brought her hands to his lips and began placing wet kisses on her fingers.

"Can we? Pleasee..." Reagan eagerly pleaded as he looked at her with begging eyes.

Gently, Rosette's finger poked his forehead. Finally giving up, she spoke with a sigh. "Only for a bit."

'His face makes me weak.'

Reagan rejoiced inside. His face held a bright and joyful expression, while a satisfied smile formed on his lips. Rosette pulled Reagan to an embrace. Heaving a breath, she eased her beating heart.

'These feelings are troublesome...'

She had almost gotten used to being all nervous whenever Reagan would be in close contact with her. Rosette would feel at ease at times, but mostly comfort. Reagan laid his head on Rosette's shoulder, embracing her body as he continues to enjoy her scent. Rosette brushed her soft fingers through Reagan's hair, running it down through the long lengths of his strands.

'When did he get this shameless? I really liked it when he would get flustered and blush so easily as before... But this isn't that bad...'

Reagan snugged on Rosette's body. He was truly loving the moment he spent with her. Rosette's other hand rested on the back of Reagan's head, gently stroking his hair with her thumb.

'I think I've come to like you.' Rosette rested her head on Reagan's as she drifts in her thoughts.



Reagan hugged Rosette tighter. "I want to stay like this forever." he mumbled on her neck softly.

Rosette felt her heart skip. She was speechless at Reagan's words. Had it caught her off guard, she felt the warmth that followed.

"We should get ready." Rosette spoke, changing the subject as she didn't know what to say in response.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now