Chapter 14

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"Are you there?" A familiar feminine voice spoke from outside.


Rosette hurriedly stood up from Reagan's lap. But because of her weak knees, she fell down on her first step.


"Rosette..!" Reagan called her name in concern. He immediately knelt down to check on her.

"Does it hurt? Are you hurt anywhere?" He worriedly asked.

"Ah... No, I'm fine." She told him.

'This is embarrassing.'

"Are you sure?" An anxious expression was etched on Reagan's face as he continued to ask her.

Reagan supported her legs and waist, lifting her up.

"Reagan, I can walk.."

"You don't have to force yourself Rosette."

"Well, if you didn't do that earlier, I wouldn't be like this..."

Reagan's face started to heat up, laughing softly with red tinted cheeks. "You gave me your permission, though..."

"I did..." Rosette embarrassingly admitted.

"But I was not expecting a visitor..." She grumbled.

Reagan's lips immediately rose to a smile. "Then does that mean you enjoyed it?"

Rosette looked away, embarrassed. "Of course..." She murmured.

"Then we should continue, Rosette." He gleefully spoke.

"No, I have to go to the door..! Now can you put me down?"

Reagan, who was feeling bold, mischievously gleamed at her. "I will, but you have to kiss me first."

"Rosette are you in there? I think heard something." Thellia loudly spoke.

'I need to open the door...'

Rosette swallowed a breath as she looked at Reagan. Her face was blushing from embarrassment, so was her heart racing.

"Where?" She asked. Reagan gleamed at her and pointed to his lips.

'Ah... if only we had a bit more time alone.' She thought.

Rosette leaned upwards to peck his lips. She softly pressed her lips on his, but pulled away in hurry.

Reagan gently shoved Rosette's head back to his direction, kissing her deeply. He took his time to devour her lips passionately.

Rosette pulled away to breathe. "Haa."

"Rosette?" Thellia's voice loudly spoke.

"Reagan, Thellia is waiting... I have to get to the door!"

Reagan started to loosen his hold on her waist as gently let her go. He felt dismayed as he wanted to hold her closer. So did Rosette. She wanted to be held by him longer and do passionate things.

She took a step back before stumbling. Fortunately, Reagan caught her before she could fall. Rosette wanted to be swallowed by the ground in embarrassment.

"Thank you." She murmured. Their face were only a few inches apart.

He felt a hot sensation flow to his cheeks. "I think I should carry you, Rosette..."

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now