Chapter 4

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"No, I can go by myself."

"I insist."

"You're not fully recovered yet."

"My pain tolerance is quite good so it's nothing." He said. "At least let me accompany you, Rosette."

"As I said, it's fine since I've been doing it everyday."

The two was in the middle of another swift debate. After finishing dinner, they argued back and forth. There was Rosette who persistently told him she did not need help, and there was Reagan who insisted to help her fetch water at dawn.

"I feel indebted and just want to help..."

"But Reagan," She said. "What are you going to do if your wound opens up?"

"It won't."

"And how would you know?" Rosette quirked her left brow.

"I've been in the battlefield for years, I've dealt with this a lot of times before." Rosette paused but spoke right after.

"But still-"

"Allow me to accompany you at least." He cuts her off, not letting her finish.

Reagan was still a bit doubtful of Rosette and wanted to know more of her, to confirm whether his intuition is correct. That is why he wanted to follow her to where she was going.

Rosette lets out a short sigh. "Fine." She said, finally giving up.

"But please keep in mind that I will not hesitate to leave you behind if you do not wake up in time."

Reagan's mouth twitched a bit when he heard what Rosette had said. He opens his mouth and spoke. "I'll keep that in mind.." He said with a low voice.

"Well, it's getting late you should sleep now, Reagan." Rosette turned to Reagan.

"Are you sure you don't want to take the bed? I'm fine with taking the sofa instead, you kno-"

"Do you really not want us to sleep in the bed together?" Rosette asked him jokingly. Reagan's face once again, flushed red because of what Rosette said.

"Where do you get the courage to say such illicit and bold words..." He lowly whispered. Reagan who was flustered had a hard time maintaining eye contact, and had decided to avoid her eyes.

"Aren't you quite adorable?"

"Wh-" He blinked. "What are you saying?" At this point, Reagans cheeks were clearly glowing red, along with an abashed expression plastered on his entire face.

"I said you're adorable." Rosette repeated. "Look, your whole face is tinted red." She pointed her finger at his face, her small laugh filled the room.

Hearing her say that made Reagan stand up and walk to the closest room to hide from the embarrassment.

Reagan who felt a foreign feeling flow through him was a bit troubled. He had never felt this unknown feeling before so he had no clue on how to cope or get through with it.

'It worked just as I intended' Rosette grinned. She followed him to the room to continue teasing him.

"Reagann." Rosette called his name. She was having fun.

"Yes..?" He turned around to face her but he was covering the bottom half of his face with his hand.

"Shall we now go to bed together?" She jokingly teases him.

Reagan's face turned into a deeper shade of red, even his ears were burning. Reagan was at loss of words, not knowing what to do, he hurriedly walked past Rosette and headed to the door.

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