Chapter 7

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"Three bronze coins for fresh apples!" A woman's loud voice said, selling fruits in her stall.

"I'll take a few, miss." A lady walked to the stall.

"How many?"

"Fresh pork meat for only one silver!" A man said, in another stall.

Rosette was holding Reagan's forearm, dragging him with her. Reagan looked around as they passed by the stalls in the village market.

'It's a bit crowded...' He thought. Reagan obediently let Rosette lead the way, as he was unfamiliar of the place. Merchants we're selling various products. Each and every stall offered different items and food.

'It looks like the lord of this land manages it well.' Reagan thought to himself. Rosette stopped infront of a store, a bakery. A woman suddenly came out.

"Oh my, Rosette!" The woman enthusiastically greets.

"Hello, miss Dorothy!"

"It's been a long time since I last saw you."

Rosette softly laughed. "It has only been four days, though?" Reagan stood behind Rosette and examined the passing people.

His tall figure and enchanting appearance was distinguishable from the crowd, making eyes stare at him. Reagan, who felt the stares, shifted his position as folks, who are mostly women, murmured to each other.

"This old lady considers it long. What are you going to buy?" The old woman, who seemed to be in her mid forties cheerfuly asked, focusing on Rosette and not noticing Reagan.

"One loaf bread, please."



"That would be seven bronz- Oh my..!" The old woman gasped when she saw Reagan.

"What a fine young man!" She loudly exclaimed while looking at Reagan, catching others attention. Reagan felt a hot sensation rise to his face.

Reagan awkwardly stood still, his face was engraved with a flushed expression. Rosette nudged his side. "Say thank you." She whispered.

"Ah.." He gulped. "T-thank you." He said to the lady while looking down.

"My dear, Rosette, your lovely husband fits the description of Apollo. You're both a match made in heaven!" The lady continuously praised Reagan, but her other words made Rosette and Reagan's eyes widen.

"No miss Dorothy-!"

The old woman cut her off, speaking gleefully. "I hope the both of you would be granted with healthy children."

"Cough. Cough. Cough." Reagan choked on his saliva.

"Miss Dorothy, I think you're mistaken..! We're not a couple." Rosette quickly corrected.

"Hm.. Are you sure?" The lady asked.


"Oh, hoho." She covered her mouth and laughed. "You'll be a couple eventually. Consider my words earlier as wishing you fertility in advance." The old lady chuckled.

"Miss!" Speechless, Rosette exclaimed in embarrassment.

"There are things that only old folks can see, dear." Dorothy mischievously smiled at the two, before turning her back on them. The old lady packed the loaf bread for Rosette.

Dorothy went back and handed Rosette the bread. "Thank you miss Dorothy..." She handed seven bronze coins to the lady, still feeling the awkward atmosphere. Rosette opened the basket she brought and put the bread in.

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