Chapter 21

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"I didn't expect to encounter someone with an entity attached."

The woman looked at Rosette angrily. "You wench!"

The woman glanced at the shadow and spoke. "What are you waiting for? Kill her!" She ordered the shadow as she pointed at Rosette.

'What a naive girl. Doesn't she knoe that evil entities can reak havoc to people, but they can't harm them.'

Rosette looked at Reagan who was paralyzed. Rosette felt the rage towards the girl for trying to harm Reagan.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rosette asked the woman.

"How dare a lowly wench speak to me..!"

'Her voice is deafening.' Rosette winced at the woman's screech.

"What you're doing is clearly wrong."

"Tsk." The woman clenched her fist and stood up. "Who do you think you are?"

"I'll asked again. What were you doing to Reagan?"

The woman glared. "How dare you say his name!" The shadow stood behind the woman before charging to Rosette's direction.

Rosette heaved a sigh as she watched the entity charge towards her. Rosette stood still and watched it charge. Rosette felt a wind brush by her, she bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing.

"Seriously, what a joke."

"What?" The woman frowned. "Why are you unscathed?"

'This dumb and naive girl. She's quite irksome.'

"Lady, did you know that entities can't harm people?" Rosette spoke, holding her laughter in.

'This is pathetic, really...'

'Did she really just try to kill me? And with what? A weak wind?'

Rosette hid her hand behind her back. The red light glowed around her hands as she flicked it to Reagan's direction. The woman was too focused on Rosette to even notice.

"What are you saying?" The woman asked, annoyed.

"You signed a contract with an entity without even knowing?" Rosette's brows furrowed.

"Then I'll tell you on its stead." Rosette smiled.

"Evil entities are full of mischief  they feed off from bad energies such as yourself. And more than that, they often lie to their contractor, so I wouldn't be surprised if you were fooled into signing a contract with one."

The woman glared harder at Rosette, holding a hostile look. The woman's her fists clenched tighter. "Are you calling me an idiot?!"

'I'm not, but you look like it.' Rosette brushed the thought. "No, miss." She smiled.

'It bothers me a lot that you tried to force yourself on Reagan. What a crazy and shameless woman.'

'It looks like she's not in her right mind. Either way, a person like her needs to face the consequences of her actions.'

The woman wore a crooked smile as she looked at Rosette. "If the entity can't harm you. Then..." The woman took out a dagger and hid it in her cloak's sleeves,

"I'll end you, you wench!!!" She charged at Rosette and aimed the dagger on Rosette chest.

"-ette!" Reagan yelled in panic, finally free of the woman's spell.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now