Chapter 17

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Reagan desperately kissed Rosette's lips. Gently tugging on her lower lips, Reagan began to caress her back moving his hand to her waist.


He wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her closer. Reagan deepened their kiss, making their saliva mix together. Instead of pushing him away, Rosette hooked her arms on his neck.


Reagan gently pulled back to look at Rosette. Her flushed face stared back at him, squirming in his hold. Her heart was loudly pounding against her chest. And out of embarrassment, Rosette averted her gaze away from him.

"Why do you keep staring at my face..?" She muttered.

Reagan swallowed a breath and smiled at her tenderly. Charming as he is, Rosette felt more embarrassed feeling his intensifying stare.

His tinted cheeks was evident in the room's dim light. Pulling her waist closer, Reagan rested his head on her collarbone, still smiling.

"It's because... it feels surreal Rosette."

"What is?"



Reagan softly pressed his lips on hers as he hugged her tightly. And after a moment, he pulled away to get a glimpse of her expression.

The lovely sight of her flustered expression greeted him, only making his heart more delighted. Reagan placed another kiss on her lips, and carefully pulled away to smile at her. He did it again and again, continuously placing wet kisses on Rosette's lips.

"Hah... Reagan..." Rosette mustered enough courage and made sure to lock her arms around his neck. She glided her tongue on his bottom lip before gliding inside his mouth.

Reagan grew stiff at Rosette's sudden action. His racing heart began to beat faster as his face became redder.

He was enjoying it. Reagan copied as Rosette did, he started gliding his tongue with hers, making their mixed saliva drip from their lips. The sound of kissing and sublte sucking filled the room.

After a time of enjoying Rosette's wet kisses, Reagan moved his lips to her cheeks. He placed sloppy kisses all over her face, he couldn't help himself anymore.

Due to the uncontrollable feeling that overwhelmed him, Reagan hugged her closer and tighter, his breath slightly trembled. Rosette's firm round breasts were fully pressed against Reagan's toned body.

"A-haa..." Rosette lets out an uneven breath. She couldn't look at Reagan because of the narrow space between them. Rosette's face was pressed against his shoulder.

'I can smell his scent...' She found their closeness lovely.

"I like it this way." She mumbled.

"I like being close to you." He whispered into her ear as he pressed his head on hers.


Reagan placed a soft kiss on Rosette's lips. Taking every second he could, he embraced her in his arms tenderly. He couldn't control himself anymore. His awoken member had been throbbing since earlier.

Letting himself loose, Reagan carried Rosette in his arms before laying her on the bed. Reagan hovered above Rosette, locking her with his arms. The long length of his long blonde hair dangled down to clean white sheets.

Rosette took hold of Reagan's strands, brushing her fingers down to the end of his hair. Rosette spoke in a small voice. "Your hair is very soft."

The both of them could feel their hearts beating tremendously in sync. The gloomy weather led the light away, it made the room darker with only the small light from the lamp glowing.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now