Chapter 24

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Rosette stepped out of the carriage. Her cat, Melody, following behind.

"Thank, you sir." She bid the coachman goodbye, handing him his payment. Holding her luggage in one hand, Rosette lifted Melody and carried her with her other hand.

Rosette had just got back from Thellia's engagement banquet. Rosette was quite tired, as Thellia's banquet was held in Thellia's home, in the neighboring kingdom. It was a long tiring journey for Rosette.

With tired eyes, Rosette made her way to the center of the village. It was already dark, with only the lamps in the street lighting her path. It has been four months since she last saw Reagan. Rosette wondered whether Reagan had sent her another letter.

'I wonder, will he send another letter this week?'

Heaving a sigh, Rosette bit her bottom lip. 'My replies to his letters are all piled up.'

'I too, wanted to send him letters. But it was very unfortunate that there were no messengers here, that can deliver them to the capital.'

Rosette crossed the road. 'What if Reagan takes it wrongly?' She anxiously thought.

'I miss him.' Her heart felt the longing feeling.

Even in this time where it was already dark, many people still lingered outside. Rosette briefly glanced at the women that were amidst conversing with each other. She couldn't help but listen to them, after she heard the mention of the word witch.

"Have you heard?"

"I did! I was quite surprised when they announced it."


"What are you talking about? Did I miss something?"

"The emperor banned any form of witch hunt. The penalty would be hanged, for those who dares to disobey."


"Yes, I heard it myself. An official messenger from the palace came here earlier.

"But do witches even exist?"

"Maybe? I'm not sure..."

"Well if the emperor announced it, then it must be true."

"What if they use this as an excuse to kill people?"



"Don't be foolish. If that were the case, then it would've happened in the past hudred years, but it didn't."

"You have a point..."

Rosette couldn't believe her ears. Her brows rose in surprise, while her eyes widened slightly.

'What did they say?'

'Did I perhaps, mishear them?'

With full arms, Rosette walked closer to the people. She wanted to confirm what she heard.

"Ah, pardon me... But may I ask if what you said is true? Is witch hunting now forbidden?" Rosette asked.

"Oh, Rosette! You're back!" The lady grins.

"Did you go on a vacation?"

"Something like that." Rosette smiled.

"I saw the messenger from the palace earlier. They've announced that any form of witch hunt is forbidden, starting now." A young lady responded.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now