Chapter 22

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Reagan silently watched Rosette sleep. A soft smile was etched on Reagan's face. Reagan was happily watching the beautiful person beside him sleep so peacefully.

Rosette's soft skin was covered with love marks. Reagan left traces of love marks on her neck and shoulders, trailing down her bossoms, and further down to her inner thighs.

With only a clean blanket covering their body, Reagan played with Rosette's hair as she slept. Last night was quite tiring for Rosette, for Reagan went all out and made love with her, with all his might.

'I want to wake up like this everyday, with Rosette beside me.'

'I want to spend all of my time with Rosette...'

Reagan moved closer to Rosette. He rested his head on the top of her firm bosoms. He hugged Rosette's waist tenderly, though he made sure to not wake her with his clingy touches.

Reagan felt the warmth of Rosette's skin. Their skin were in contact, bare and soft. Reagan whimpered in her arms, holding her tighter.

'I want to always be embraced and touched by Rosette...'

'That's all I dream of.'

Reagan swallowed a breath and glanced at Rosette, who was fast asleep.

'But for that to happen, I want you to feel safe and at ease first. That's why...'

"Rosette? Are you awake..?" Reagan asked, he gently tapped her skin, but he recieved no response.

Reagan paused for a moment.

"-sette... My heart feels heavy, but..." Reagan continued to talk quietly. He somewhat felt relieved that Rosette wouldn't be able to hear what he was about to say.

"I've decided to go back for a while. I have to fix some important matters in the captital Rosette..." Reagan held her dear, as he nestled deeper in her arms.

"..I'll be back though! There's no way I'll be able to endure that much without you Rosette..." He softly spoke as he snugged on Rosette's body, amidst of their skin to skin embrace.

Reagan's cheeks we're pressed against Rosette's breast as he softly spoke. He held himself back from touching her lewdly, as he wanted Rosette to rest longer. From what it looks like to him, Rosette was still asleep.

"...You know that very well." He whispered. Reagan had not realized that Rosette had woken up and heard his words.

"What?" Rosette asked in a small voice.

Reagan jolted up. "-ette! You're awake..!"

He leaned in and kissed Rosette on her lips and her cheek. "Good morning Rosette." Reagan smiled with his lips still pressed on her cheek.

"..You said you were going back?"

Reagan froze. 'She heard...'

"Ah..." Reagan felt nervous. "Yes..."

Reagan softly held her hands. "But I promise I'll be back quickly!"

"When?" Rosette stared at Reagan sullenly.

"That- I'm not sure... But I'm going to finish everything as fast as possible, so I can go back to you sooner..."

Rosette felt a foreign feeling. 'Why am I feeling like this? I was the one who urged him to go back first... Yet why is my heart so heavy...'

"Then... You'll leave?" Rosette was tongue-tied.


'I don't know what to say anymore. Reagan's news caught me by surprise...'

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now