Chapter 19

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Reagan looked at Rosette with bitter eyes.


"Why are you asking me that again." Reagan spoke in a small voice, his face displayed a sullen expression.

"It was just a question..." Rosette was confused why Reagan was upset.

"Do you have any plans to return to your home?"

Reagan held his hand in a fist. He looked down, hurt. The thought of being away from her is what he couldn't bare.


"Ah." Rosette went closer to Reagan.

Rosette wanted to ease Reagan's mood for a bit. "You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to, Reagan."

'He's clearly upset..'

Rosette brushed the hair away from Reagan's face. "Forget I asked that."

"No." Reagan spoke coldly with clenched fist.


"I'd rather die." Rosette choked at what she had heard.

"What? No-"

"I'd rather die than go back." Reagan's words made Rosette speechless.

Rosette paused, hesitating, before she spoke. "..."
'I don't know what to respond..'

"Don't die..."

"I'll only go back if you come with me."

"Pardon?" Rosette's eyes grew confused.

"In other words, I'll stay wherever you are." Reagan said firmly.

"But Reaga-"

"I've set my mind."


"I just want to be with you."


"Rosette, I've come to like you so much that I can't even think of being away from you even for a moment."


'He likes me?'


"Rosette." Reagan didn't let Rosette speak. More of, he was afraid she'll reject his indirect confession. He was afraid she'll reject his feelings for her.

"I wanted to give this to you as a gift. I know it's not the right time, but I was too nervous every time I tried..." Reagan pulled out the small box wrapped with a red ribbon.

"Ah..." Reagan kept making Rosette speechless.

'A gift for me?' Rosette briefly glanced at Reagan. 'More than that... Is he not upset anymore?'

A sense of warmth rose to Reagan's face. "I wanted to give you something precious..."

Reagan anxiously watched Rosette unwrap the box. He dearly hoped she'd like the gift. Reagan watched her untie the ribbon before opening the small box.

"For me?"

'Wow.' She stared at the Rose quartz pebdant with glimmering eyes. Rosette liked dresses and jewels.

"Do you like it?" Reagan asked nervously.

"It's beautiful." Rosette smiled at him.

"It's beautiful... Thank you, Reagan." Rosette spoke in delight, wearing a genuine smile of joy.

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