Chapter 8

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Reagan watched the droplets of rain, heavily pouring outside. He sat by the chair, gazing at the rain fall from the window. Rosette, who was across from Reagan, was occupied crocheting a sweater.

It had been a week since they went to the village. Reagan did a lot of house work, helping Rosette for the past days.

'It's a bit tiring.' He occasionally thought. But nonetheless, he was satisfied, just by being helpful.

"What time is it Reagan?" Rosette put the yarn and hook away.

"Three in the afternoon."

Rosette rose from her chair. "It's time to feed the cat." She clasped her hands together and was about to take a step, but stopped midway when Reagan interrupted.

"I'll feed her." Reagan stood up and hurriedly moved past Rosette.

"...Sure." Rosette sat back on her chair. She was used to Reagan stealing her chores, just like this.

'I had more time to relax these days, since Reagan would voluntarily do things on his own.'

She tapped her finger on the table, in boredom. Rosette rested her head on her free hand.

"He's not blushing as much as he used to before... It's making me sad." Rosette felt a bit gloomy.

Knock. Knock.

"Is that Thellia?"

Rosette rose from her seat and went to the door. The door opened by itself, as if sensing her. "Oh? It's been a while!"

"Good afternoon." A tall figure, dressed in regular men's clothes greets Rosette.

"Come in, Nesse. What brings you here?" Rosette made way for the person.

"I just got back from my duty, I brought some gifts for you and Thellia." She lifts her right hand, holding a bag.

Rosette's face beamed. "What is it?" She felt happy to have received a gift.

The woman took out a marvelous box. 'Wow...' Rosette's eyes were in awe. The box was decorated with fine jewels in different colors.

"Here, open it." Rosette didn't hesitate to open the box.

"You told me you we're into tarot, right?"

"Wow." The word left Rosette's mouth. Inside the box, was a deck of tarot cards. "Nessie!!!" Feeling happy, Rosette opened her arms to hug her friend.


She felt a pair muscular arms softly yank her back. The side of Rosette's cheeks hits a hard round chest. Reagan held one of her arms, preventing her from hugging her friend. The woman, Hennesse, was dumbfounded.

'What just happened..?'

"Reagan? What's with you, could you let go?"

"Who is he Rosette?" Reagan bit the inside of his cheeks. He looked at the stranger with bitter eyes, sulking.

"He?" Rosette asked, confused.

'Does he actually think Nesse is a man?' With petrified eyes, she looked at Hennesse for permission. The woman looked approvingly.

"Reagan, could you let go first?" Reagan loosened his hold, even though it was against his will.

Hennesse's face turned to a mischievous grin. "You got yourself a husband now?" The woman asked.

"No, he's not my husband!"

'This is the third time we've been mistaken as a couple!'

Reagan can't help but sulk inside when Rosette denied the misunderstanding.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now