Chapter 20

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Several days had passed since then. Rosette would often avoid Reagan, but Reagan remained determined and strong willed. He became more clingy of Rosette.

Reagan followed her around all the time, he didn't want to let her leave his sight. Reagan talked to her all the time, though her answers were short to almost none at most, he had no thoughts of giving up on her.

Rosette prepared many glass corks and bottles and neatly placed it all in a basket. Grabbing a square linen fabric, Rosette covered the herbs and medecines she had prepared before she closed the basket's lid.

Rosette held the list in her hand. She checked and made sure the medecines weren't lacking in amount for the village people. Rosette took a brief glance at Reagan. She quickly looked down in after she met his eyes.

'How long has he been looking at me for?' Rosette winced from the embarrassment she felt.

"Ah.. I've already prepared everything, we should get going..."

Rosette held the basket's handle and attempted to lift it up, but failed. She tried again, but her strength wasn't enough. Staring at the basket reluctantly, Rosette wondered in thoughts.

'Should I use magic instead..? But I can't use it when we go to the village.'

Rosette thought hard. 'I didn't want to bother Reagan with this. He had done more than enough for the week, it must've been tiring for him.'

Reagan noticed Rosette's struggle. He wanted to initiate to help her, but he waited for Rosette to speak.

'What if she sees me as a hindrance or a pushover...' He thought nervously.

Rosette tried to lift the basket again, but to her dismay, it was no avail. Upon watching her struggle, Reagan couldn't help himself anymore. He instinctively walked towards Rosette and lifted the heavy basket.


"I'll carry it Rosette."

"Wait- isn't it heavy?"

"Yes, but..." Reagan looked at her with reassurance before he tenderly smiled. "It's nothing to me."

Rosette felt the subtle sensation of warmth after Reagan's dashing smile. Her ears began to feel hot.

"Are you not tired? You've been working hard these days."

Reagan's smile stretched wider. His face was blinding Rosette from his handsomeness. His expression seemed to have gotten brighter, he wore a happy face.

"-sette..!" He grins with flushed cheeks. "Are you worried about me?" His eyes glinted hope. He truly looked very lovely to Rosette's eyes.

'Of course.' Is what Rosette wanted to say. Though, she looked away instead.

"-sette..!" Reagan called her name again.

"This is the first time you've asked about me for a while." He couldn't help but feel delighted.

"Ah, yes... We should get going."

"Alright, Rosette."

Reagan followed behind Rosette obediently. The weight of the basket wasn't much to Reagan and he felt at ease knowing that Rosette wouldn't have to go through the hardship of carrying the heavy medecines all day.

Upon their arrival, Rosette went to the stores and stalls in the village and delivered each of the medicines. The payment she received was quite a lot. Although she had refused many times, many kept insisting whether it was money or gifts.

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now