Chapter 5

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"Reagan draw back your sword!"

Reagan looked at Rosette for confirmation but seeing her upset expression made it crystal clear to Reagan.

Reagan drew back his sword from the woman's neck. The woman stood still, glaring at Reagan who looked unbothered, as if he didn't just threaten the woman to lose her head.

Reagan and the woman both turned to Rosette. "Do you know her/him Rosette?" They both asked her in unison.

"Tsk." The irritated woman lets out a sound in annoyance.

"Reagan, she's a friend of mine, apologize to her now." Rosette told Reagan promptly. Her eyes had a glint of displeasure as she answersed one of their questions.

The woman with long brown hair crossed her arms and irkingly quirked her brows at Reagan, waiting for him to apologize.

Reagan froze for a moment and felt a feeling of repentance flow in him. He trailed in thoughts with a slight feeling of regret for pointing his sword at his benefactor's friend even though he did it out of habit. He regained his composure and with guilty eyes, he turned to the woman to apologize.

"My apologies, I thought you were an intruder..." He said in a low and small voice.

The guilt was not towards the woman, but it was rather towards the fact that he had made Rosette upset.

"I cannot hear you clearly." The young woman firmly said.

Reagan irritatingly cleched his jaw, and with an invisible frown, he spoke. "I apologize for threatening you, I had thought you were an intruder." Reagan said slowly and loud enough for the woman to hear.

The woman narrowed her eyes at Reagan. "..."

She stared at him for a moment before speaking. "Very well, I will accept your apology." She spoke in a mannerly tone, but her eyes held displeasure towards the man.

Rosette walked towards the woman to check for wounds. "Are you alright Thellia?" She asked worriedly.

"I think its very obvious Rosette, what do you think?" The woman, Thellia replied with a sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry-"

"Ah!" The woman cuts her off and held a hand infront of Rosette's face. "Why should you apologize, when you did nothing wrong?" Thellia said.


"More than that.." Thellia pulled Rosette closer by her arms and whispered. "Who is he? Were you so lonely that you even brought a man to your home?"

"It's not like that!" Rosette exclaimed in a tiny voice. "He's a patient," She paused. "He agreed to help me with housework for a while."

"What?" Thellia blinked, confused. "And how did you get to know each other?" She asked Rosette, forgetting that the man they were whispering about was in the same room. Thellia wanted to make sure that her friend was safe with that person, seeing as what he did earlier.

Reagan who stood far on the side awkwardly looked around, pretending he can't hear what they were secretly whispering to each other.

"That is what's interesting, he got in the barrier when I found him."

"What?" Thellia's expression twisted in confusion.

"I know."

"Then, it must be for a good reason?" She asked Rosette.

"I got a helper at the very least."

The maiden Thellia let's out a soft cackle. "Whatever you say."

His Darling Witch |18+ (His Darling Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now