Chapter 16

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Rosette frowned upon the unsightly face of the short noble. She couldn't believe her ears.

"I've chosen you to be my tenth concubine. You should gladly accept it since it is a grand honor for a commoner like you, to become a concubine of a noble like me." The snobby noble spoke with arrogance. 


'He's been yapping for a while now, I should get this over with...'

"Thank you for the kind offer, however, I do not wish to marry yet."

The noble gritted his teeth upon hearing Rosette's answer. He glared at her, finding her words unpleasant.

"What do you mean?"

"I am kindly declining your offer, my lord."

The noble glared harder, raising his voice. "A mere commoner like you, dare to decline me?! Do you know who I am?"

Rosette was unnerved. She stood still and looked down at the unsightly face of the arrogant noble who was shorter than her.

'No, I have no idea who you are.' The words were itching to go out of Rosette's mouth.

"I am the Lord of this land, the Lord of the Dorheil Viscounty!!" He screamed.

'I swear, once I get home I'll hex this little b-' Rosette's was getting irritated.

'This is getting annoying.'

"Guards!" He yelled. "Seize her back to the manor." The short and arrogant noble, ordered his knights to take Rosette forcefully.

Hennesse's immediate blocked Rosette from the knights. "This is against the Empire law."

"Another mere commoner dares defy a noble's word?!" The noble yelled, yet again.

"Fine! I shall arrest you aswell, while I take your other friend as my eleventh concubine." He looked at Thellia sluggishly.

Thellia shivered in disgust. 'With an ugly face like that, you think you're deserving of me?' Thought Thellia, making a disgusted face.

'This little sh-' Rosette was pissed because of the arrogant noble.

By now, a large crowd of people was already watching. Many pitied them for encountering such misfortune, yet no one dared to interfere. For the fear of facing the consequences of the noble's authority. The seven knights surrounded the three of them.

The people whispered and murmured. Glancing at each other with perplexed eyes.

"I feel sorry for the ladies..."

"Didn't all his previous concubines met a disastrous death?"

"My friend's cousin, who used to work in that manor said the concubines were greatly mistreated. He lets his knights bed his concubine all at once, leaving the poor woman dead the next day..."


"That's terrible!"

"All nine died?!"


"They also say he puts burning corks and knife inside them..."

"What a monster."

"He's not even comparable to a monster..."

"Just because he has a noble title, he dares do all that?"


"He must have a special place in hell."

"Hush! You'll get trouble if he hears you."

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