Chapter 12

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Rosette immediately prepared a bath when they got home. Finally relaxing after a long day

She splashed the warm water on her face, finishing her bath. She rose on her feet and dried herself with a towel. Her hands froze after reaching for her night dress, only to find it nowhere.

'Did I forget to bring it..?'


"This is troublesome." She murmured.

She wrapped the long towel around herself, deciding to head out. She exits the bathroom and made her way to her bedroom. Her long wet hair left traces of water droplets on the floor.

'Should I go in? I don't think Reagan is currently inside.'

'But I should check.'



"Are you inside Reagan?"

"Yes, come in Rosette-" The door immediately opened, revealing Reagan with a bright expression.

'Oh, he was inside.'

But it seems like time had stopped. He froze after noticing Rosette was only wearing a towel.

"Haha..." Rosette awkwardly laughed. "I forgot to bring clothes... Could I come in."

"Ah.. T-then, I'll head out." Reagan swallowed the lump in his throat, stumbling upon his words. A warm sensation started to flow in his cheeks.

"Oh, you don't have to Reagan. I'm only here to get clothes. I'll be done in a bit." Rosette opened her dresser and grabbed a pair of undergarments and a night gown.

Reagan seem to can't take his eyes off Rosette. His flushed expression can't seem to be relieved either, as his face grew warmer and redder.

"I'm done." Rosette glanced at Reagan as she walked toward the door. She stopped for a bit and raised her hands to his face. She gently pinched and squished his blushing cheeks.

"Your face is red again." She told him, moving her hand up to his head to pat him. Rosette had to look up to him because of the height difference, nonetheless, she still thought he looked adorable.

Reagan looked at her with his rosy mouth slightly parted. His flustered face burned in a deeper shade of red, feeling his heart, starting to thump fast. Reagan started to feel the shyness flowing in, the same time he noticed the uncomfortable throb in his pants.

Reagan carefully held Rosette's arm before she could exit the room. With an embarrassing look, he glanced at her eyes.


Rosette looked at Reagan, raising her brows in question, still holding her clothes in her hands. "Yes, Reagan?"

"Ah- That..." Reagan looked down, to hide his face in embarrassment.

'Why did I grab her..?' Thought Reagan.

"What is it? Is there something wrong?"

"No, its..." Reagan drifted off, unsure of what to say.

'I grabbed her hand without thinking...'

"Well?" Rosette asked him.

"Ah..." Reagan looked back at her.

"Is there something troubling you?" She asked genuinely.

Reagan felt his heart shake from her beauty. "...Yes." He hesitated.

"There is, actually..."

"Go on, you can tell me." Rosette said, reassuring him.

"It's-" He looked at her again. "Can I really?"

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