Chapter 15

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Vaishu went to hide under the bus...she laid down and rolled under the bus....She saw veer under there and was about to shout....

Veer: hey please please please don't scream....or else I will get caught....

Vaishu: someone chasing u ...

Veer: not exactly chasing but yeah some what ....

Vaishu: I don't get u....

Veer: ahh uncle said me to do some work I was really tired and said no....he was compelling me and I ran away from him and hid under the bus....he is searching for me....please dont let him know I am here....

Vaishu: ohh kk...don't worry I will help u....

Here badrul was waiting for her to scream...

Bad: what is this she didn't screamed yet....let's go and see...

He went near the bus and knocked at a Sid...

Bad: hello...vaishu...vaishu ma ...

Vaishu: what uncle....she asked looking out at him still under the bus.

Bad: why u didn't screamed....

Vaishu: why I will scream....

Bad: is anyone there with u under the bus ....

Vaishu: no one is here....

Bad: where would he have gone ...

Vaishu: whom u are looking for....

Bad: I am looking for veer.....ok I will go that side and look for him...

Saying this badrul went to the other side of the bus and again knocked on the vaishu and veer swaped their places by rolling over each other....

Vaishu: what do u want uncle.....

Bad : hey what is this.....u are coming from this side also....

Vaishu: u are also at both the sides...did asked u ....

' uncle uncle' a voice came from behind...

Vaishu: oh god that idiot is here .....she said and hid under the bus. She was so close to veer and both of them were lying on their stomach so close to each other....veer was feeling something weird with her which made him to feel both uncomfortable and at the same time he was enjoying it....

Bhavin: badrul uncle what are u doing here....

Bad: actually I am looking for veer....what are u doing here....

Bhavin: I am looking for my angel.....

Vaishu: what angel....yuck.....I am gonna kill him for sure......she whispered to veer.....veer smiled at her and also he was fuming in anger on Bhavin.

Veer mindvoice: how dare he call my vaishu as angel....wait my just vaishu.....anyway....I have to finish my work....focus on ur work veer don't get distracted....

Bad: who angel....ohh u are talking about vaishu ma....

Bhavin: yes off course....I am searching her for showing her my new tune I composed today...but she escaped from me....

Bad: ohh it's ok u shall show her in the morning....

Bhavin; no no....why to wait till morning.....I will show it now to u ...

Vaishu: ohhh my god.....she said frustrated and hit on her forehead....veer chuckled at her cuteness....

Bhavin started to play his tune to badrul....

Imagine he plays the tune of first 25 seconds of the song....

Vaishu frist thought it will be terrible but she liked it and veer too. They both had eye lock for sometime....veer was really mesmerized by her eyes and she was already lost in him.....both were looking into each other's eyes and was about to kiss but....

The music ended and both of them came out of their dreamland. Both of them felt awkward but didn't said anything.

Bad: wahh was super Bhavin....

Bhavin: ohhh thank u...but my angel didn't heard it na...I am sad....

Bad: she already heard...he said to himself....

Bhavin: did u said anything....

Bad: haa no no....she will surely listen to it come lets go and sleep.....after that he went away. As soon as he left vaishu came out and was about to leave....

Bad : vaishu ma really there was no one ah under the bus....

Vaishu: yes no one was there let me go or else that idiot will come again....she said and ran to her room.

After a minute or two veer came out of the bus...

Bad: hey where were u till the time...

Veer: under the bus...

Bad: what....but-- he was cutt off by veer....

Veer: now come lets goo...or else someone will see us....he said running to his room.

Badrul bent down saw he has finished his work and had set the bomb under the bus...he also ran from there....

Next day morning badrul came running to veer.

Bad: veer veer veer....

Veer: why are u shouting like this....

Bad: veer please come with me see this ....he dragged him to the nearby window and showed something which was not expected by veer. ....
To be continued....
How was the chapter u all liked the ABHINAVI scenes....what would have badrul showed veer....will he succeed in killing Amal with that bomb.....

Tell me which was ur fav scene and the worst scene in the chapter.... next chapter sidneet is gonna meet....are u guys excited.....
Please do tell me.....

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