Chapter 32

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The next day.

Sid was just sitting on the bed staring at the sea from the window in his room. He was really frustrated and also he was angry on Abhishek and Avneet.

Sid: how could she do this to me....she knows me very well that I don't like those who lie to me but....and dare he to plan to kill my dad....i will not leave him....

But what to do now.....I can't even get out of this's been 3 days....I don't know what's going on there in home....I dont know whether papa is  safe or not....what if he has done something to no it should not happen....

I will not let that to happen....siddharth....just think about something.....u have to escape from here....he said to himself and went to the door.

He tried lot of times and finally he succeeded in opening the door. He went towards the control area for getting the yacht to the port. But for his shock he saw police men there...

He was first shocked but also happy...

Sid: sir...thank god....I was about to contact u people....please help me sir....I am been kept as hostage here....please take me from dad is in danger....

Po: sorry sir....but we need order from our higher official to take u from here....

Sid: what...but who is ur higher official....

Po: she....he said pointing towards the door.

Sid: Avneet.....he whispered in utter shock.....

She came inside and all the police officers present there saluted her. Sid was looking at her in shock.

Avu: sid...please....I know u are in anger and also confused....but please listen to me once.....

He just nodded at her and she started telling him......

On the other side.

Ashok and his men surrendered in police as per the plan of Aamir. They accepted that they tried to kill Amal last two times and their man Veer is there at Amal's home in disguise to kill him.

In Amal's mansion.

Abhi was comming in the hallway when someone kicked him from his back. He fell on the ground and turned to see who was that.....

There stood Ankit mohan the police inspector who works for Aamir.

He started to beat Abhishek when the whole family tried to stop him. Dadi ma and vaishu was crying seeing the scene and also they tried to stop. But Ankit was not stopping from beating Abhishek. Amal came there....

Amal: inspector stop....what happened....

Ankit: sir...he is not a worker sir...he is a contract killer who has came to kill u in disguise....

Dadi: what no....inspector I think u have misunderstood....please....

Ankit: no mam we have evidence against him....

Abhishek was just looking at all of them when the Black cats were holding him.

Amal: what evidence u are having inspector...

Ankit: sir...his whole group has surrendered to the police. They have agreed that they only tried to kill u last two times and also they said that he is here to kill u...and also ur worker Badhrul also knows this. He was helping him because they were threatening him with the life of his brothers son....but we saved him today....see there....

Badhrul came there with his brothers son and told everything to Amal. Abhi was just looking at them with teary eyes. Vaishu was also crying not knowing what to do...

Ankit: and sir....he hesitated....

Amal: why are u hesitating....tell...

Ankit: ur son Siddharth is also in his custody only....but we got the location....we have sent a group of police to save him....

Hearing this whole family was shocked to hear this...Amal got scared for sid and also angry at the same time....he came near Abhishek and slapped him tightly....

Abhishek was about to tell something....but Ankit started to beat him again.

By now the whole family also started to think that he is a contract killer only. But dadi ma can't see him getting beaten up....

Dadi: please inspector....please....I can't see him like this....just get him out of here please....

Ankit: ok mam....he went to Abhi and was about drag him away but.....

But Abhishek pulled the gun from Ankit's waist belt and shot in his hand. Before the black cats came to him he took Amal in his hold at gun point.

Abhi: if anyone come near us I will kill him....go back....he shouted....

The whole family was shocked to see this.

Amal: officers don't worry about me....just shoot him....

Abhi: will u please stop talking now....( Turning to vaishu) go to his room and get his laptop and the pendrive....

Amal: vaishu no...

Abhi: I said go....

Vaishu nodded in fear and went inside the home. In few minutes she came out with Amal's laptop in her hand.

Abhi : did u got the pendrive....he asked in a cold tone.

Vaishu: hmm yes....

Abhi: come...he said and took them to the car...he instructed vaishu to drive the car while Abhi and Amal was on the back seat.

In the mansion.

Everyone was crying on this. That's when police commissioner Paras came there...

Paras: mam sorry....we got the information now only...don't worry....we won't let anything happen to sir...

Dadi: we thought him as our family....thought him as our Abhi....but I didn't knew that he is a bloody betrayer....

Paras: no mam...u are wrong.....
To be continued.

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