Chapter 28

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Everyone sighed in defeat and went from there. Veer went to the window and saw vaishu seeing a picture on her table and crying....he saw the picture and it was....

he saw the picture and it was

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Smita Bansal as Sunitha.

Amal's sister and vaishu's mom.

Dadi ma was also in tears now. The children of the family came to her.

Child 1: dadi ma....please tell us what happened on vaishu di's birthday....please....we want to know....why she don't celebrate her birthday.

Dadi ma looked at veer with teary eyes. Veer looked here and there.

Dadi: 9 years ago....


9 years ago....Amal was a high court judge. They were in Pune. Theirs was a huge family.

In a bedroom of a huge mansion.

??:  Abhi....wake up's getting late baccha....or else ur papa will scold u....get up.....she said looking at the figure sleeping on the bed fully covered with blanket.

She was none other than Sunitha.

As there was no response from the boy she sighed and removed the blanket and saw

As there was no response from the boy she sighed and removed the blanket and saw

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Under the blanket only pillows was there....

Sunitha: Ohh god this boy....always he do like this only....where did he go in the morning itself....if Amal bhaiya comes to knows he again done like this he will surely punish him....why this abhi don't understand it ....

She asked to herself and went out searching for him. There on dining table 8 years vaishu was sitting with a grumpy face.

Dadi: what happened to my vaishu baby....

Vaishu: see dadi ma....mumma is not feeding me and she is searching for him....

Dadi: why searching for Abhishek....where is he...

Sunitha: I don't know ma....only pillows are there in his room....she said entering into the dining hall. She that sweets are going to finish.

Sunitha: hey....keep the sweets...Abhi likes it soo much na...he will ask for it...

Maid: Abhi baccha already ate and went out mam...

Sunitha: what he ate already....but where did he went ....

On the other side in the streets of Pune. Some boys are playing street cricket. And a boy of age 13 is standing the crease with bat in his hand. Everyone is hooting his name as there was  4 runs to win from 1 ball. The bowler comes and bowls the last ball hoping his team will win. But.....the boy with bat....hit the ball to six and his team won....

Everyone jumped in happiness as it was a bet match.

Everyone: hey....Abhi...Abhi...Abhi....

So the boy with the bat was Abhishek,the only son of Amal Nanda the high court judge. He knows that his papa will not like this kind playing on the streets. He was always strict.

Abhi was so happy that they won the match because he wanted win the bet amount for his friend as he was really poor. He was about to take the money when someone grabbed his hand tightly.

He looked up and gulped in fear to see the man before him. The other children were already out of sight seeing the man. The only word came from abhi's mouth was....

Abhi: papa.....he said in utter fear.

The next scene changes to the mansion and it was fully filled the screams of a boy. It was none other than Abhi....he was screaming in pain as his papa was beating him with belt when others were trying to stop him.

Abhi: papa please papa....please...its paining....please papa....he was crying...

Amal: how many times I have told u to not to go out on the streets and play like this...and today u have played bet match ha....he was about to beat him again but Sunitha came hugged Abhi fully covering him without letting the belt to touch again.

Abhi was crying in her embrance. Being a motherless child from his birth, Sunitha was his everything....she was like a mother to him...even after giving birth to Vaishu, everything matters first to sunitha was Abhi..

Amal threw the belt away and left from there. Sunitha made Abhi to sit on the chair and started to feed him.

After sometime he was fully calmed down. Even he forgot that his papa beat him black and blue sometime ago...he was playing with Vaishu when Sunitha was feeding him.

Amal came to have breakfast. He saw abhi was eating without crying and he felt relieved and sat to eat his breakfast.....

Abhi signalled Sunitha to tell something to Amal when she was standing hesitated....
To be continued

So how was the will continued for atleast next 2 chapters....what do u think about the bond between Abhi and Sunitha....

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