Chapter 27

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Veer slowly went towards and Amal's room. But what he saw inside made him to get shocked.

He saw Amal was working on his laptop..but what he saw was there was red coloured light on Amal which means someone was aiming at him from somewhere....veer got panicked and suddenly something striked to his mind.

He quickly went to the near by window and looked at the building opposite to the mansion. He saw someone there. So he again went woke up the kids of the home and silently got them near Amal's room.

Veer handed them some play guns which emits right laser light.

Veer: guys just focus on uncle ok....ur redlight should not get away from his body and also if ur light goes off u are out of the game ok....

Children: ok bhaiyaa.....

Veer went from there quickly in search of whom was that...

On the other hand...

Rocky was with his snipper gun aiming at Amal from his window....he got confused as he suddenly got more red light aims on Amal. He thought for sometime and turned to go but he was given a tight punch on his stomach....

He got up and saw veer who was standing there frustrated...

Veer: what ate u doing here Rocky....

Rocky: doing ur work only....

Veer: u itself saying this is my work....then why the hell are u here...

Rocky: u didn't did the work properly so only dad sent me...

Veer: see rocky just get fuck out of here....I will come and meet dad tomorrow....just go from here or o will make u go from here....

Rocky: I hope u will not let dad down....

Veer: just go rocky .....he yelled at him.

After that rocky went from there and met ashok in his yacht.

Rocky: dad...I don't think he will do this....

Aamir entered in with his men.

Aamir: I knew it....I knew it....he is playing double role in this....

Ashok: sir....that's not like that sir....he is just playfull....but he will do the work correctly...

Aamir : then why the hell he stopped rocky from killing the judge....can't u understand....

Ashok: sir...calm down....if he is playing double role i won't hesitate to kill him too....after all I gave him this life....

Aamir: two days time....or else I don't know what I will do....the he left while ashok was thinking something deep.

The next day.

The whole family was gathered around in front of vaishu's room. They knocked the door. She opened the door and witnessed everyone with  HAPPY BIRTHDAY  cards in their hands. She quickly wiped her tears which came out of her eyes.

Dadi: vaishu....please is ur birthday ....don't cry baccha ..

Vaishu: how can I dadi ma....mumma left me on this day na...

Dadi: but for how many more years u are going to cry like this....

Vaishu: till my birthday comes for the last time....

Dadi: vaishu....don't say like that.....she said little angrily..

Veer came there and saw the family there and vaishu crying.

Child 1: vaishu didi....if u itself cry like this on ur bday means how can we be happy....please na...

Vaishu: please baccha....don't compel me...I can't celebrate my birthday on which my mumma left me...she said and went inside crying more locking the door....

Everyone sighed in defeat and went from there. Veer went to the window and saw vaishu seeing a picture on her table and crying....he saw the picture and it was....

he saw the picture and it was

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Smita Bansal as Sunitha.

Amal's sister and vaishu's mom.
To be continued

So how was the in next chap the flashback starts....are u guys excited....

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