Chapter 34

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Vaishu was so happy seeing them.....she smiled at them by looking at the mirror......but suddenly a truck came from no where and hit their car.

The car rolled down a slope and it landed on the ground near a construction site. The people work there came to help them but suddenly they heard a gun shot from the road and everyone ran from there.

Soon a group of goons surrounded them.

Goon: sir I think they are dead.....he said on phone....

??: Fool....i don't want ur words....I want their dead bodies....check them correctly....Aamir shouted on the phone....

Goon: ok sir...he said and gestured another one to go near and check.

Another man who was having a hockey stick in his hand went near the car which was lying upside down. He went and was about to touch the door.....

But Abhi came out bursting out the door and making the goon to fell down a 3 feets away....

The others got alerted and started to shoot towards him. But he dodged the bullets and ran from there...then those goons went to the car for Amal and vaishu....but for their shock no one was there....

On the other hand.

In the yacht...

Avneet explained everything to sid that veer is Abhishek and he is not here to kill amal but he is here to save him.

Sid: it means he is Amal Papa's original son...

Avu: yes....

Sid: this u guys could have told me that day itself na....what's the need to keep me locked here....

Avu: that's for ur safety and also for making Aamir to believe Abhishek Bhai that he works for him...

Sid: ohh can we everything sorted out....

Avu: not everything....but somewhat....but it's time for sending u home....come I will drop u....she said and took the gun from one of the police men and kept it on her back...

Sid: u are also a police....

Avu: no I am working for secret sevice bureau....and I am the come lets go....

" Not so soon babies....." ....a voice came from front and both of them got shocked to see the persons there....Avu took the gun was about to shoot....

With Abhishek.

The goons were shocked to see no one in the car....they were about to take the phone to inform Aamir....but suddenly Abhishek came from no where and kicked him from back.

The goons got alerted and turned to him. All of them aimed at him to shoot and pressed the trigger. But all of their guns were out of bullets....

Abhi smirked at them...

Abhi: poor guys....I was bad at maths in my childhood...but not now....that too while dealing with bullets....he said winking at them.......

The goons was about to attack him but he showed his palm to them to stop....

Abhi: see...u guys very well know that I am a highly underated contract killer and I know how to defend myself and also to fight....then why are u wasting ur energy....see ....u guys are just...umm....7 of u are here.....he said counting them....

But the goons was not ready leave the situation without a fight...

Abhi: ohh kk...u guys are really in a mood to fight....then mee too...come on.... 1..2..3..4...all the goons on the fav dialogue ever(A.N:mine too😍).....he said shaking his heads and ran towards them...

He went and punched the first goon on his face and he fell on his back with a loud thud... Two others came from both of his sides...he punched one on his chest and kicked another in his stomach....

Amal and vaishu came there and saw abhi fighting with them like a maniac. By now almost all of them were on the ground....Amal went to Abhi and stopped him from beating more...

Amal: abhi stop...

Abhi stopped beating and something stricked his mind...

' ur son sid is in his custody only....we have got the location...we will save him soon....'... Ankit's words came to his mind...

Abhi: they got Sid's location.....ohh shit....

Amal: what happened baccha...

Abhi: papa...Sid is in danger....that Ankit works for Amir....he said they have got Sid's location....vaishu do u have ur phone with u....he asked checking his pocket for his phone

Just then his phone rang. He took and saw it was from Avneet....

Abhi: hello Sid fine....

Avu: bh..bhai...sid...she was panting and breathing heavily...

Abhi: what happened....

Avu: aa..Aamir took sid with him him....she said and fainted the next second...

Abhi: Avneet....Avneet....he shouted from this side...

Amal and vaishu got worried.

Vaishu: abhi...what happened...sid is safe na....

Abhi looked at her with tears and shook his head in no...

Amal: abhi...what happened to Sid...tell me please....

Abhi: Aamir took sid with him papa...i failed to protect my brother....

Vaishu: ur brother....

Abhi: yes....i know he is Ranjith's younger brother...u adopted him after knowing that i killed his mother and also Ranjith died in an accident....he said looking at amal....

Amal: but...but how did u know....

Abhi: on our first meet itself i got some weird vibes with him like that i know him from only I used my ways to know about him....and he was not less than a younger brother to me also papa...but today I failed to protect him...he cried falling in his knees.....
To be continued.

So here is the double update as all of u more chapter and if I have mood to write more on this I will give epilogue.....

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