Chapter 12

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At midnight....

In the mansion, badrul was sleeping in the room which was also the store room or the kitchen, suddenly he felt something sprinkled on his face. He woke up.

Bad: what is this.....he touched his face and saw a red coloured liquid in his hand.

Bad: ohh it's blood....did he finished the work which he came for....he turned and saw Veer cutting something with a big knife.

he turned and saw Veer cutting something with a big knife

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Bad: is he doing post martem or what.....he said to himself went near him.

Veer was cutting the big fish which he brought in the morning...

Bad: oh u are cutting the fish....I thought something else ..

Veer: shut up.....he said gritting his teeth and showing the knife to him.

After cutting it he took out the barrel and a magazine of the gun from fish. Then he took a drumstick and took out the bullets from it. Then he took a pumpkin and took out slide, hammer, trigger etc of the gun from it. Badrul was shocked to see all of this and he realised because of this only the alarm beeped when he went through the scanner.

 Badrul was shocked to see all of this and he realised because of this only the alarm beeped when he went through the scanner

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( For u information about the gun parts)

Bad: what are u doing.....

Veer: can't u see....

Bad: I have a idea...why don't u shoot him in the day time...

Veer: why...

Bad: why...because it will be so silent na....the gun shot will be heard by everyone.

Veer: no sound will come...because I have attached silencer to the gun...

Bad: but ....

Veer: now just shut up....then he started to assemble the gun. After assembling he came to badrul.

Veer: now come and show the way to judge's room.

Bad : what me....

Veer: then who ur father....? He asked sarcastically ...

Bad: hey can't u bring a map when u are prepared like this already......

Veer: u are my map now come .....badrul started going towards right....

Veer: hey that's the way to going outside go this side....

Bad: ohh yes....after joining with u I forgot the routes of this house...come lets go....

They went near the stairs. The whole seen was watched by the officer who works for Aamir.

Bad: go up and go stright the last room in the hallway is judge's room.

Veer: ok u wait here till I return.

That Officer also took out his gun to shoot veer after he finishes his work.

Veer silently goes up the stairs and walks through the hallways and saw Amal was working on his laptop he aimed at him and was ready to pull the trigger but .....

But someone put a hand on his shoulder from his back he turned and saw it was badrul....

Veer: what the heck.....

Bad: hey u said u only came here to kill the judge so only I am working for u....but why didnt u told me that a group of people has came with u.....

Veer: what the hell are u blabbering.....

Bad: I am not blabbering another man has came here with gun in his hand see there...

Then both of them saw at the direction and they saw a shadow of a man with a gun holding forward and coming in the way.....

Veer: u stay here.....he went towards the man taking the scarf from his waist and he quickly wrapped it around the face of the man and both of them slipped and fell down on the stairs and started rolling down from the stairs and both of them landed on the floor .....that guy protested and kicked veer so that his gun fell off the window.....he tried to see the face of that guy and removed the scarf and was shocked to death after seeing him.......
To be continued
Who it will beeee......

Hey guys here's ur chapter.....guys please dont make me disappointed....even after I told that I am upset on one commented on the privious update I am giving u the chapter but the next one will be only after u guys give me proper response and the book should reach 1k...then only I will give next chap..... I am not giving goals like others I am just asking for some reviews and response from u please .....

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