Chapter 24

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Veer entered his room and closed the door. But the next second he was pinned to the nearby wall. He gasped due to the sudden move and was shocked to see the person in front of him.

He saw vaishu glaring at him holding his arms tightly not allowing him to move....

Veer: vaishu mam....

Vaishu: Abhi...where u went with Avneet....

Veer: wh..why.....

Vaishu: I asked u abhi...don't back question me....

Veer: we met on the way only....I don't know anything else...

Vaishu: u guys didn't went together....she said leaving him.

Veer: no....

Vaishu: ok anyway....see don't u dare to go out with her or anyother girl....she is sid's girl....and U....U ARE MINE.....u GOT IT....she asked dangerously....

Veer gulped in fear and just nodded in yes and all the time vaishu was towering on him while he was bending down....

Veer:I..I will not go anywhere with her....I..I promise....he said getting scared

Vaishu: that's good for u....she said smiling. But soon her smile turned into a smirk. Veer noticed that gulped again.

Veer: why are u looking at me like this....

Vaishu: u wanna know...she asked decreasing the distance between them.

Veer: now why are u coming closer...back of-- but he was cut off when she smashed her lips on his....

His eyes widened on her act and he tried to push her but she held his hand to the wall and was not ready to break the kiss...slowly he too started to respond for her. After a long kiss both of them left eachother. Vaishu looked at him and smirked again....

Vaishu: I hope this will be ur 1st....right....

Veer: um...thats...

Vaishu: what....she asked like threatening ...

Veer: yes...yes it's my first kiss ...

Vaishu: I was ur first kiss...I should be ur last kiss too ok....don't dare to kiss anyother girl....U ARE it enough or should I give something more to remind u everytime.....

Veer: it's ok....I..I will remember....

Vaishu: good boy....ok go and sleep....she said winking at him and left the room.

Veer sighed in relief and took a deep breathe....

Veer: what the hell happened just now....she kissed me....ohh god veer...what is happening to u...a ruthless contract killer u are....but always feeling weak in front of her....shit....veer focus on the work veer....its important.....not this....first let me take a shower...I really need it ......then he left to take a shower.

The next day...

Veer came running to the living hall hearing Amal's shouting on someone. When he enters the hall a photo frame came flying and fell down before him and the glasses broke into pieces.

Amal: who the hell put this photo frame in here....

Veer saw that photo frame. It was the picture of Abhishek of age around 12 or 13....

Amal: I asked u all only....who put this here....

Vaishu: I only put that picture uncle....

Amal: why did u do that....

Vaishu: just to see whether anger on him has reduced or not....

Amal: it will not reduce....never ever....he is a killer...a bloody cheater and a killer....

Vaishu: what will u do if he comes back uncle....

Amal: if he comes back......he takes a long pause....

Amal: I will kill him by my hands itself....he then turned and saw veer collecting the broken glass pieces. He went him.

Amal: hey what are u doing ....

Veer: the glass pieces...or else it will hurt someone....children are playing na...thats why....

Amal: umm...then do one thing....after cleaning the glasses put this picture in the dustbin or just burn it....

Veer: ok sir....

Amal left from there and veer continued to clean the mess. Dadi ma came to vaishu...

Dadi: why u did that baccha....

Vaishu: he is our Abhi dadi ma....

Dadi: what....she looked at veer who was silently cleaning the glass pieces....
To be continued.

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