Chapter 23

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Hey guys Nandini here.....from tomorrow I am gonna give double updates of this book as I want to finish this soon as I am not getting proper response and reads on this story....but I am not in a mood to discontinue only I am gonna give double updates and will finish soon....after that I will start one more story named THE MAFIA QUEEN'S OBSESSION....which is gonna be a ABHINAVI FF as many of u asked for Abhinavi. And I also thought that there is really less stories of abhinavi with mafia queen and innocent boy plot wait for it.....

Now back to story....

Sid: Veer......he just whispered.

Veer got shocked seeing Sid there in that condition. He really didn't expected this....

Aamir: how is my gift ur work will be easy na.....

Sid: work....he asked getting confused....

Veer was just standing numb seeing him there. But what Aamir said next made him to get shocked.

Aamir: veer use him as ur bait and kill his father and him also......but before that report should be in my hand.

Veer didn't know what to say now. But sid got furious and came to him. And held his collar.

Sid: u bloody cheater....I always had a doubt on dare u to come in my house in disguise that too to kill my papa....he was shouting on him when veer was just looking at him.

Veer mindvoice:'s not the time to get emotional....don't get distracted....focus veer...focus.....

He composed himself and looked at sid who was still shouting on him. Veer slowly gave him a evil smile and grabbed his hands which was on his collar. The next second sid was facing opposite to him with his hands pinned to his back in the holds of veer.

Sid: ahhh....leave me....u cheater....leave...

Veer: u shouldn't have shouted on me u know who I am huh....u dared to hold the collars of the most highly paid and a successfull  contract killer....huh....

Sid got shocked to hear that.

Sid: I won't allow u to touch my papa....

Veer: for that u should get away from my hold first.....he said and turned to Aamir...

Veer: give me the key for his chain....

Aamir: why....

Veer: I am taking him with me...

Aamir: but whats the need ....he can be here itself.....

Veer: no I am taking him to my will be easy for me to do my work....

Aamir: can I believe u....

Veer: then go and kill Amal by urself....

Aamir: hey hey wait....why are u getting temper quickly it is....he said and gave him the key.

Veer unlocked sids hand from the chain and dragged him towards the door.

Sid: leave me u cheater....u can't touch my dad ever....

Veer: that I will u come....

Sid: no....he said and struggled in his grip.  Veer got frustrated and took a rope from the beside table and started tieing him.

Veer: can't u hear what I am come...he said and dragged him outside when Aamir was looking at them suspiciously....

Veer took sid to seaport. His yacht was there ready. It was his own yacht. No one knows about it even Ashok and rocky don't know anything about this.

Veer took sid into the yacht and untied him. Sid turned to him and started to shouting again.

Sid: how dare u to do this veer.....leave me....let me will be good for u.... he said trying to go out. But veer pushed him on the couch and called someone. Sid got his biggest shock of the day seeing the person coming from inside.

Sid: AVU......he just looked at her with shock.

Avu: hey sid.....

Sid: wh..what are u doing here.....

Avu: hey veer....seems he troubled u a lot uh....

Veer: uff....he is really annoying....don't how did Amal sir adopted him....

Sid: don't u dare to say my dad's name again....he said and was about to punch him. But avu came in between and held his hand and pinned to his back. Sid was shocked but soon realised that she was also one of them....

Avu again pushed him on the couch and both of them came before him and stood in front.

Sid: soo u are also one of them....that brother thing and all a total lie....

Veer: ummm....he is intelligent....understood everything quickly....

Avu: see Sid ...I don't know about the other things....but for and veer bhai is on a we can't afford anyone to become a obstacle for it....if not u by now the person would have died....but we are just keeping u as hostage be silent and don't try to escape....she said and dragged him to a small room in the yacht.

Veer: this room will be ur palace for next few days enjoy urself in this room and u can enjoy the view through this window....but don't worry ...u can't escape from here....even if u managed to go out of this room...u will find urself only in middle of the sea....and too middle of deathly sharks which will be roaming be carefull na...ok....

Avu: see Sid....I will surely come to get u out from here....but please don't harm urself by trying to escape....that's all I can tell....she said and suddenly injected him and he fell unconcious. Veer made him to lay down on the bed and they went out locking the door.

Veer: don't worry he will be fine come lets's late already......

They reached the mansion and Amal caught veer and avu at entrance.

Amal: where were u two these hours....

Avu: uncle I got a call from my only I went and veer bhaiya met me on the way back from market...

Amal: ohh kk's late....go to ur rooms ...

Veer: ok sir....after they left for their room.

Veer entered his room and closed the door. But the next second he was pinned to the nearby wall. He gasped due to the sudden move and was shocked to see the person in front of him.....
To be continued.

Who it will be......

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