Chapter 6

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Inside the press conferance started and all were questioning Amal about the case. Then Amal order to put on a vedio. The LED screen started playing a vedio


It was shown somewhere in India at the backyard of a bunglow police and the public people are gathered and the ground has been digged out by hole digging vehicles. Everyone present there  are shocked and crying seeing the heaps and heaps of bones coming out from the ground.

Sm1: the vedio u are witnessing is taken from the backyard of a private hospital doctor's home. Till now heaps and heaps of  bones has been taken out. The medical team states that these bones belongs to children of 8 to 12 years old. And it's confirmed that it's around 60 to 70 children.

Reporter Nandini(myself😂😝)
Reporting From the crime scene with cameraman Gautham.

Vedio ended.

Amal:  Do u know how many parents has been crying terribly after seeing what happened with their children?

Do u know still how many parents are praying that their missing children shouldn't have ended up like this....?

To investigate on this case only CBI has formed a special group with me as a leader. What did u guys asked...someone asked me if u are given millions and millions of money would u close this investigation commission and go away....

The reporter who asked the question looked down in shame. And Amal continued.

Amal: I am sorry....I am irritated with these silly questions so only I showed u all this vedio.

Rep2: sir....we know u have been in in-charge of this case for last 4 months...can we know how far has the investigation has been finished.

Amal: 90 percent of the investigation has been finished. The culprits involved in this has earned in crores and crores. They have murdered the kids and supplied the vital organs all over the world for money. The persons arrested till now are just contract killers. They don't have anything to do with this medical scam apart from kidnapping and murdering the children. The main culprit has to be found. Only 10 percent of the investigation is remaining and it will be done in next one week. That's why I am here. And the report will be submitted in next 10days....

Rep 3: commissioner sir 1 question for u....will u find that killer who escaped.

Comm: yes we will...if we fail to find's a shame for me as well as our department...

Rep 4: Mr. question for u

( Yogi is the MP of that state...he is also present there in the press conference)

Yogi: yes..

Rep 4: how much u and ur government of the state has been supporting in this investigation.

Yogi: this investigation commission was formed by our government and our CM only....we are giving full support to them...

Rep 1: sir what u will do if u are again given life threat...

Amal : hey what non sense u are talking man....see I am telling now...either I go back to my home or to heaven/hell it will be only after finishing this case amd submitting the reports u understand.....

This conference was seen by the whole team of Veer in their yacht.

He was just staring at the tv and the person speaking on the screen

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He was just staring at the tv and the person speaking on the screen.


Amal: what are u thinking in ur mind....if it's a live telecast means u will ask stupid questions and I will answer all of it....

Comm:   hello court everyone will be scared even to sit in front of the u are asking him stupid questions again and again...

Rep1: sry sir...

Comm: the conference is finished u all may go now...

Everyone got up and started to go.

Rep5: sir one last question..

Amal: yes...

Rep 5: are u alone here or with someone...

Amal: oh....u want to give clue for the opponent...I don't care...ok note it....


Do u got ur answer now thank u....and he went away. The conference ended.
To be continued.

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