Chapter 30

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Amal opened the room and saw it was dark...he switched on the light but it doesn't work...Amal got panicked because Abhi has phobia of dark...he cursed himself for locking him in the room.

He went to the other side of the bed and saw Abhi lying on the floor hugging his knees shivering in fear. Amal got panicked and picked him up...

Amal: Abhi...Abhi look at me...

But he was shivering so much and was burning in fever. Amal took him to his room and made him lie in the bed. He immediately called the doctor.

Other side Sunitha got worried for Abhi and came to his room in a determination to open it even Amal gets angry. But she saw the room was open and abhi was not inside...she got confused and went to Amal's room and saw Abhi lying on the bed and doctor came at the time...

Sunitha: bhai ..what happened....

Amal: he is having fever...

Sunitha: so only I said to leave him....see what has happened because of ur adamantness....

Doctor checked him and gave him some injections. Sunitha was sitting beside him.

Amal: u go Sunitha....I will take care of him...

Sunitha: but he didn't ate anything...

Amal: get the food here itself...I will make him eat after he wakes...

Sunitha: ok....she said and left the room.

After sometime Abhi wakes up with a jerk and composed himself seeing the lights....then he looked at amal.

Amal: now u are ok na...

He just nodded in yes...

Abhi: papa..

Amal: hmm...?

Abhi: wha..what did u gave judgement today....

Amal: the case is not finished....judgement is tomorrow come and eat....

Abhi mindvoice: thank god....the judgement is not given yet ...I know what to do to make u give favourable judgement papa....he thought to himself and went to eat his dinner.

The next day.

Amal was getting ready to go to court when his phone rang. It was an unknown number....

Amal: hello...

Sm1: hello is this Amal Nanda....

Amal: yes I am...who are u....

Sm1: that u no need to know....u don't love ur son right....

Amal: what.....

On the phone : papa...papa please save me...papa...Abhi cried from other side. Amal got panicked...

Amal: Abhi...Abhi where are u....

Sm1: see ur son is in my what I say or else he will die...

Amal: no please don't do anything to him...I will do anything u say...

Sm1: good ...then give the judgement of ur today's case in favour of Mahir....u got it....

Amal: hmm ok.....

On the other side.

In a local telephone booth,Abhi put the phone down and hi - fied with his friends and started laughing.

F1: Abhi....u really act well...I think u will become a good actor in future....

Abhi: let's see that in mahir uncle will be free...u are happy na Ranjith....he asked his friend.

Ran: haa Abhi...but what if ur papa comes to know about this....

Abhi: he will not ran-- but he was cut off by a tight slap by Amal who came there by tracing the phone call.

Abhi's friends ran from there in fear. Amal just dragged Abhi to his car and they went somewhere.

Abhi was really scared that what will his papa going to do. He thought that they will go to mansion and Sunitha will help him but for his shock the car went to....


Abhi: papa....I am sorry....please papa...

Amal: u are going out of control Abhi....this is ur punishment....

Abhi: papa please papa...i won't do anything from now please papa....

But Amal didn't gave any heed to his pleadings and handed him over to the officers there.

Amal: his punishment period is 3 is my order...he gave the   papers to the officers and they took Abhi from there while he was crying and crying.

On the other side everyone was so angry on Amal for this but no one can win over him. Sunitha went and met him 2 days once.

The time flew away and it was Vaishu's birthday...

Sunitha got special permission and took Abhi from the centre to the home for birthday party.

On the way Abhi wanted to buy a gift for vaishu. He went to the gift shop and bought a beautifull barbie doll for his doll... He came to the car with the gift...

Sunitha: so ..shall we go...

Abhi: aunty...shall we go and meet Ranjith before going home...please....

Sunitha: ok ..she said thinking for sometime...

Then they went to Ranjith's house. Abhi went inside taking the gift in his hand while Sunitha was waiting outside.

He went inside and talked to Ranjith and his mom. His mom was so angry on Amal for giving punishment for his husband. So she wanted to take revenge. She silently took the gift which Abhi bought and went to her men.

RM: fix a bomb to this should explode when it is opened...

Then they did the work she said. And she placed the gift like before....Abhi after sometime went to his home.

The birthday party went well and everyone gave their gifts to her. After the party finished vaishu was playing in the hall.

Sunitha: vaishu...go and get changed and see all the gifts...

Vaishu: ok mumma...I will open abhi's gift only first.....she said and went to her room...

On the other hand

Abhi got a call from his friend and Ranjith told everything about the bomb which his mother said to him. Abhi got shocked and ran tk vaishus room...

Here vaishu took the gift and opened it....
To be continued.   

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