Chapter 3

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*This chapter contains mild sexual references*


"Wow, I did not expect that to happen," Chris says breathlessly, rolling off of me and laying on his back.

I stare up at the ceiling, trying to catch my own breath. I don't typically sleep with guys the night I meet them. Actually, I've never done this before. I just couldn't resist him. He's so sexy. So funny and sweet. And I'm so drunk.

"You pushed me into an empty bedroom and started taking my clothes off," I smirk, looking over at him.

He looks at me, smirking back. "Because you were basically humping me while we were dancing."

"I'm sorry," I mumble, covering my face with my hands. "I'm not usually like this, I swear."

"I'm not complaining," he chuckles, moving my hands away from my face.

He meets my eyes and smiles, making my heart flutter. He leans forward to kiss me, but my phone starts ringing, nearly scaring both of us to death.

I sit up and take my phone off the nightstand to see Andrew's name. "Hello?"

"Hey Lulu...we're about to get out of here. Where are you?" he asks, his voice thick with the help of the alcohol.

"Oh, um...I'll meet you at the car."

"Wait, are you-"

I quickly end the call before he has a chance to ask anymore questions. I know he will later, but at least Chris won't be around for it.

"Is Andrew a friend of yours? he..."

I look over at Chris, furrowing my brows. "He's just a friend. We were best friends back in high school. We were both cheerleaders."

He nods, sitting up next to me. "So is he...into...guys?"

"You think just because he was a male cheerleader that he is into guys?"

"No. I'm sorry, that' not how I meant that at all. It's just...I always see him hanging around with you and Annie Vinson."

"You know Annie?" I ask.

He nods. "We have a couple of classes together. And I'm not trying to make assumptions about your friend. I'm just...asking."

"Why? Are you interested?" I smirk.

"He's not exactly my type," he smirks back.

"Oh yeah? And what is your type?"

His eyes meet mine again and this time, I'm certain my heart may explode. Why am I letting him get to me like this? I'm obviously just some party hook up that he won't even remember tomorrow. No reason to fall in love.

"I'm into intelligent women who know what they want. You know...driven...focused...independent...the kind that make you want to be a better man."

I'm surprised by his answer and I can't hide it. He's describing me, right? I'm all of those things. I graduated high school at the top of my class. I currently have the highest GPA in the Special Education Department at Penn State. And you don't achieve those kinds of goals without being driven, focused and independent. But then again, he doesn't know anything about me other than what I look like naked. He couldn't possibly be describing me.

My phone rings again, startling me out of my thoughts. Since it's Andrew, I quickly get up and start retrieving my clothes from the floor.

"Andy, I'm coming, I swear!" I say as soon as I answer his call.

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