Chapter 8

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Present Day continued....


When I walk back into the bar alone, everyone has that look on their faces that practically says- we know what you did you heartless bitch. But sooner or later, I'll have to face them. I'll have to tell the truth- that I didn't want to give Chris the opportunity to end things once he had some time and distance to realize he could do better; that I'm a coward. That I have more going on in my life than Chris or any of them even know.

"Why am I just now finding out you and Chris broke up?" Andrew asks me as soon as I sit down at the bar next to him.

"A heads up would've been appreciated, you know," Cole adds. "We feel like we're part of this relationship too. I mean, we've been around from the beginning. If you and Chris can't work, then who can?! You're the epitome of true love!"

"And what the hell are we?" Annie, asks, furrowing her brows and motioning between her and Sam.

Cole gives her a look. "You're getting married in a black dress, don't talk to me."

"It's true though. You and Chris had the healthiest relationship I've ever seen," Andrew says. "What on earth happened? Is it because of the internship?"

I take a second to fight back the tears I feel coming on. But it's almost impossible. After I just let Chris walk away from me, how am I supposed to recover? I think I'm only now just realizing how incredibly stupid I am. How selfish I am. I need him and I'm pushing him away. Because I'm afraid...

"Don't make her talk about it if she's not ready," Annie says, coming to my defense.  "This has been hard for her."

Sam scoffs. "Yeah, I'm sure it's been real hard breaking someone's heart."

Annie gives him a stern look, but I deserve the sarcasm. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone here, who claims to be my friend, would turn their backs on me once they found out I broke Chris's heart for the sake of my own.

"Everything seemed fine earlier, so forgive me if I can't wrap my head around this," Andrew says, his eyes wide in shock and disbelief. "Didn't you guys just have sex in the bathroom?"

Okay, this is about all I can take of this night.

I blow out a breath and stand up. "Look, I know this seems like it's out of nowhere, but I've given it a lot of thought. I won't let Chris give up this opportunity because of me. There will be a lot of distance between us, not to mention, a thirteen hour time difference. I want him to do this and I want him to give it his all. He won't do that as long as I'm in the picture."

Without another word, I hurry for the exit before I burst into tears.


I contemplate running after Lucy, just to make sure she's okay. But I know the answer to that question already. I know she's going into self-preservation mode. She thinks the time and distance she and Chris spend apart from one another will make him realize he could do better than her. She's wrong, but since she's too hard headed to listen to facts, maybe I can get a little creative.

After all, we can't let their relationship end this way. They really are the epitome of true love.

"Okay, I must've missed something," Andrew says, still staring at the door Lucy just left out of.

"They broke up earlier today. Lucy is afraid she and Chris will grow apart while he's in Australia, so she's pushing him away," I sigh, stirring my drink with my straw.

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