Chapter 10

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My heart squeezes when I look down at my phone and see Chris's text. Of course, he doesn't believe me. Why would he? If he told me some kind of bogus lie like the one I told him, I definitely wouldn't believe him either.

"What's wrong?" Annie asks, climbing down from the chair she's been standing on to hang up streamers.

"Chris doesn't believe me," I frown.

"Well, I have no idea why. The story we gave him was iron clad," she replies sarcastically.

My phone buzzes and I look down to see Andrew's name.

Andy: He bought it after a little convincing. Please tell me you're almost ready though. I can't stand lying to someone I don't hate.

Me: Thank you so much Andy! I owe you big time!

Andy: Yes. Yes, you do.

"Okay, Andrew said Chris bought it for now, but we have to hurry," I tell Annie.

"I can't possibly hang these damn things any faster!" she whines. "Besides, he's just gonna be grateful you're throwing him a surprise party and not running off to spend the night with your secret boyfriend."

"My secret boyfriend?" I asking, cocking a brow.

She looks at me and smirks.  "Trust me, he knows you're up to something, no matter what Andrew told him. He probably assumes the worst. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he's mad at you for doing this to him."

"Doing what to him? Throwing him a party?"

"Lying to him in order to throw him a party," Annie corrects me. "He'll either be super pissed that you lied or super relieved that you're not cheating on him."

Wow, is that really what Chris thinks? I mean, I know this lie was pretty far fetched, but surely he would never think I could cheat on him. I'm crazy about him. He knows that.

Doesn't he?

I start feeling a bit squeamish while my mind races. I shouldn't have let this stupid lie go so far. What if Chris gets mad at me over this? Even worse, what if he breaks up with me?

"What did you get Chris for his birthday anyway?" Annie asks.

"Shit! His gift!" I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands.

"You did get your boyfriend a gift, didn't you?" she asks me, furrowing her brows.

"Yes, but it was shipping to our apartment today. You didn't happen to notice a package at the door, did you?" I ask, since Annie and I share an apartment.

"No. Did you check with the office?"

I shake my head. "I've got to go by and see if it's there. I'll be right back."

Even though I know she's probably cursing me to the depths of hell, I run off before she can protest. And I practically run the whole six blocks back to our apartment. By the time I make it to the entrance of the building, I'm sweaty and winded. I pause when I see my reflection in the glass door. I look awful. How did I manage to leave my place looking like this?

"Excuse me, are you going in or not?" an annoyed voice says from behind me.

"Oh sorry," I reply, realizing I've just been standing here, with my hand grasped around the handle of the door, staring at myself like a weirdo.

I quickly go inside and make my way to the front desk. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a package that was delivered today for Lucy Sunday."

The middle-aged woman with thick, black framed glasses, who obviously hates her job, sighs and turns around to check the shelf where packages are held. "I'm sorry, I don't see anything for a Lucy Sunday."

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