Chapter 24

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"Here you go," I say, handing Chris a cup of hot coco and sitting on the sofa next to him. "This will warm you up."

We're finally in the warmth of my apartment, but the hours of cold have chilled us to the bone. It may take some time to thaw out. That's okay though. Chris and I have a lot to talk about. I was so sure I could get through this without him- that I needed to. But he came here for me, all the way from Australia. I didn't even tell him anything was wrong. He just sensed it. He's always been able to do that. It's a blessing and a curse.

"Ah, thank you," he replies, taking a sip.

I know he's waiting for me to talk. He's probably got so many questions and I'm ready to answer them now. Chris is the one person in the world I know I can trust.

"I know you're probably wondering why I'm acting so crazy," I start.

He doesn't say anything, just watches me expectantly.

I take a deep breath before continuing. "The night of my accident, I had a fight with my dad. I had went over to get the last of mom's things and when I got there, one of mom's friends, Christy, was there. Dad had been seeing her and he wanted to tell me that night, of all nights. He asked me what I thought mom would say and that's when out of hand. We argued and I left. But...not long after, I started to feel bad. I went back to his house to apologize, but when I walked" I trail off, feeling like I'm on the brink of an anxiety attack.

Can I really tell him this? Can I really trust him?

His eyes soften and he takes my hand, squeezing it to let me know that I can. I think I always knew I could. I guess I was just afraid of what he would think of me.

I'm about to find out.

"Mom showed up after I left and they started fighting. I'm still not exactly sure what happened, was dead when I got back..."

He couldn't hide the relief in his eyes if he wanted to. It's almost like...he assumed I killed my father. Is that why he's here?

" thought I did it. That's why you came back...."

"What?! No! I know you would never do something like that!" he says, setting his mug down on the coffee table and taking both my hands into his. "I can't say I didn't worry that knew something...but like I said, no matter what, I'm on your side. I've got your back."

I look down and sigh, my heart breaking all over again as it does every time I think of my father. "She swore it was an accident, but that we had to hide his body because they would arrest her for murder. I wasn't in my right state of mind. I...I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know if it was really happening or if it was all dream," I explain, starting to break down. "So I...I helped her bury him. I don't remember much...only that...neither of us spoke a word the whole time. And the was so loud. I know that doesn't make any sense..."

"What happened to Christy? Was she...around for any of this?" Chris asks.

"No. Mom said she left when she got there. Before the fight started."

He takes a second to soak in what I've told him, probably deciding whether or not he made a huge mistake by leaving his internship to help his ex-girlfriend/murder accomplice.

"I knew you were acting strange the night of your accident, but I had no, Lucy...I'm so sorry you had to go through this," he finally says.

My mouth hangs open in surprise for a while before I can speak.  "'re not...gonna turn me in?"

"No, of course not. I'll take this to my grave, I promise. I just wish you would've told me sooner. You've been carrying this guilt around for so long. I could've been there for you if you would've just let me."

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