Chapter 9

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5 years ago


"Good morning, Lucille," Professor Quinn smirks when Lucy and I enter his classroom. He loves to give Lucy a hard time.

Lucy sighs and rolls her eyes. "Good morning, Dr. Quinn, medicine man."

He smiles proudly and we take our seats. Professor Quinn is an old and lonely man, since his wife had just passed away not long ago. Lucy reminded him of his daughter, Amber, who has been living in England for the past five years. Since Lucy never really got along with her own father, I think she secretly likes the playful banter with him. She humors him every day, even though she pretends it annoys her.

He starts today's lesson on human anatomy while Lucy furiously copies down notes by hand. I record his lectures and save myself the work, but Lucy insists that she remembers things better if she writes them down. And it must work since she's acing this class while the rest of us are barely passing.

"Chris's birthday is coming up. What are you planning for him?" I lean over and whisper.

She pauses and looks at me. "What do you mean?"

"He's your boyfriend. Are you not planning on doing something special for his birthday?"

She chews her bottom lip nervously, probably deciding whether or not she wants to entertain my question or continue on with her notes.

"You should strip for him," I smirk, nudging her with my shoulder.

"What?!" she gasps a little too loudly.

Everyone around us turns around and Professor Quinn stops talking.

"If Lucy and Ethel could keep the noise down, the rest of us would truly appreciate it," he says, giving us a bored look.

"Sorry, sir," Lucy apologizes quickly, giving me a mean stare.

I snicker.

Lucy goes back to her notes while I watch her in amazement. "Who is Ethel?" I finally ask her.

She pauses, sighs in frustration and rolls her eyes. "Lucy's best friend."

"I'm starting to think he just doesn't know my name."

"Shhh!" the girl on the other side of me hisses, putting her finger over her mouth like an angry, old school teacher. Her super tight ponytail makes her eyes narrow and mean, but I only roll my eyes at her.

I sink into my chair, seconds away from dying of boredom. "Ugh, you people are so uptight. I hate you all."

"I should throw him a surprise party," Lucy says out of nowhere.

I sit up and look at her in surprise, impressed. "That's perfect! We can do it at Louie's! We seem to always end up there on Friday nights anyway."

"Okay, yeah. We can do it at Louie's," she agrees.

"And then you can strip for him after."

"What?" she asks, furrowing her brows.

Before I can answer her, the fire alarm sounds, and we all look around in confusion. We never know whether or not to heed its warning since the fire alarm gets pulled a couple of times a week for various reasons- mostly because someone didn't study for a test.

We all file out of the classroom and into the hallway. I grab onto Lucy's shirt and let her lead us outside to the quad.

"My favorite girls in this entire school!" Cole says, smiling like a goon as he approaches us.

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