Chapter 4

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5 years ago continued...

"Thank you guys so much for doing this for me," I say as Andrew, Annie and I take a seat at our table.

When Chris mentioned going out with friends, I knew that would be the only way I could be around him without turning into a blubbering weirdo. I'm much more sociable with friends and alcohol.

"I really like this place. We should come here more often," Andrew says, looking around.

"Yeah, it's pretty wild and the drinks are amazing," Annie adds.

We've chosen a hole in the wall place called Louie's, a local favorite, which is why it's always crowded.

"Hey guys," Cole smiles as he approaches us. "If this is a group date, I guess I'm the odd man out, huh?"

Annie and Andrew share a look. "What?" Annie asks, looking back at Cole. 

"Yeah, we're not dating,"  Andrew adds.

"Oh," Cole grimaces. "Then I guess Chris and Lucy are the odd men out. Or odd man and woman out?"

Andrew laughs as if that was in any way funny at all. Cole smiles at him, making Andrew blush profusely.

"Actually, you and Andrew will be the odd ones out," Annie smiles, sipping her wine. "I invited Sam."

"Sam?" Chris asks raising a brow.

"You remember, from the party?" she asks him.

He looks from her to me and shrugs. I smile as he sits down next to me. "You look nice," he says, smiling back. "Of course, you always do."

"Thank you," I reply nervously.

"What are you drinking?" he asks.

"Oh...a raspberry mojito. It's really good."

"Can I try?" he asks.

I furrow my brows. "You...want to try my drink?"

He smiles, revealing the dimple in his left cheek. "What? I can shove my tongue down your throat, but we can't share the same straw?"

My cheeks flush and I quickly look down to hide it, making him chuckle. I slide my drink over to him and he takes a sip.

"Wow, this is really good," he says, sliding it back to me. "Almost as good as you were the other night."

"Wow," I say, covering my face with my hand in embarrassment, even though no one else heard him.

"Don't be shy now, sunflower. You weren't shy when you were on top- ouch!" He glares at me, rubbing his arm where I just pinched him. "Why did you do that?"

"You don't have to talk that way in front of my friends!" I hiss.

He smirks. "They didn't even hear me."

"But if they do, they'll never let me hear the end of it."

"If they do, they'll probably be jealous," he winks, leaving my mouth hanging open.

"There he is now," Annie hisses.

I look up and see Sam walking over to our table. Chris makes a face and looks down at his menu.

"Hey baby," Annie grins when he takes the seat next to her, pecking her cheek.

"He's baby already?" Chris leans over and whispers to me, making me laugh.

The six of us end up having a really fun night together, despite Chris' obvious disdain for Sam. I don't get the best vibe from him either, but I don't know enough about him to decide whether or not I like him. So far, Annie seems enamored by him, so he must have something going for him.

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