Chapter 25

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"Has your mom said anything else about it since then?" Chris asks as we're lying in bed together for the first time in four months.

After some really, really amazing sex, we've just been talking. I'm tired, I know he's tired after traveling for hours, but yet it's like neither of us can sleep.

I take some time to think over his question before I answer. Mom hasn't said a word since that night, often times leaving me believing I made it all up in my head. But the news confirms this nightmare is real. Sooner or later, she's going to have to face the music. And when she does, I will to.

"She's made comments about him running away and abandoning his family. Like...she doesn't want to bring herself to admit the truth. I guess for a long time, I felt the same. Pretending that he just ran away was easier to live with. I guess that's why she's marrying some rich guy. So she can afford a legal team that can help her get out of this..."

"Wait...she's getting married...already?" Chris asks in surprised.

I nod, pressing my lips together. "He's not a bad guy, but she's clearly only in it for the money. There's nothing about him that she finds attractive other than his bank account."

"Have either of you been questioned by the police yet?"

"Mom has a couple of times, even though she's never told me that. I just know from the news. They haven't gotten to me, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time," I say, my heart sinking at the thought of it.

 I'm ready to accept my part in this. I helped her hide his body. I didn't tell anyone what happened. Even if I turned her in now, I'd still be labeled as a murder accomplice. I'd lost my job, I'd lose my friends, I'd probably have to leave New York. Still, no matter what the consequences are or what I lose in all this, I'll still have Chris. And that makes it just a little easier to bear.

"What are you going to do when they start asking questions? Will you tell them the truth?" he asks.

His question sucks the life right out of me. I've thought about it thousands of times, but that was back before dad's body was discovered. I had hoped people would just buy into the story that he ran away and leave it alone. He had no living relatives other than me, not many friends, no one asking questions. All of a sudden, a couple of farmers just happened to come across his body. After it had been there for so long, I have to wonder why they would just suddenly get the urge to snoop around on private property; property that was left to my father after his father died.

"I have no choice but to tell the truth. If I lie, I'll only get myself into more trouble. Besides, I'm tired of holding onto this. Dad and I didn't always get along, but he didn't be hastily buried in a field, after being...murdered by his own family..." I trail off, letting a fresh wave of tears wash over me.

Chris holds me even tighter. "Look, if you never want to say a word, you don't have to. Your mom brought you into this. You didn't ask for it."

"I didn't stop it either," I cry. "I just...I couldn't turn her in. Even though what she had done was horrible, I couldn't stand the thought of losing her too."

"I know," he whispers, kissing my cheek. "No matter what you decide to do, or not do, or say, or not say, just know I'm here."

I smile through my tears, snuggling into his naked chest. Being in his arms again makes me feel safe and secure. I need that now more than ever.

And because Chris is helping to bear some of this weight on my shoulders, I'm starting to think clearly again. And thinking clearly means I know exactly what I have to do, and exactly what it will mean.

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