Chapter 30

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I take Lucy's trembling hand into mine and give her a sympathetic smile. She's told me this story before, only recently, and the one thing I hate most about it is that she'll have to tell it over and over, to people who will be deciding on her mother's fate.

It's a tough place to be. While everyone knows what the right thing to do is, doing the right thing doesn't always seem like the most important thing sometimes. When Lucy saw what her mom had done, I can't imagine what she must've been feeling. I know if it were me, I'd definitely have my mother's back. My father was never in my life much, but if my mom killed him, I'd gladly help her hide his body.

Deep down, I think everyone has someone in their life they'd be willing to hide a body for.

"She didn't mean to do it, but I her state of mind, she thought she would be blamed and end up going to jail," Lucy cries.

Mr. Henderson, Lucy's lawyer, nods, carefully absorbing every word of her testimony. "Well, the good news is...I believe I can get you out of this mess completely."

"Really?" I ask hopefully.

"Absolutely. The District Attorney will want to make a deal with you to testify against your mother. Now, I know how that sounds, but if the story played out like you say it did, your mother is going to face some consequences for this. If she gets her hands on a good lawyer, it's possible she has a chance at pleading insanity. That will mean she has to spend some time in a mental health facility," Mr. Henderson explains.

To my complete surprise, Lucy only nods. Maybe she knows her mother needs help and this will be what's best for her.

After we've gone over everything we could possibly think of, we head back home. I hate seeing Lucy so stressed, but I hate even more that I can't do a damn thing about it. I'll never understand how her mother could put her through this. I understand it was more than likely a crime of passion a the worst- Susan caught Frank with one of her close friends and she probably lost it. Whether she meant to kill him or not, only she knows. Lucy showed up after he was already dead, which means she had nothing to do with Frank's death. She didn't even witness it.

She was just a very confused, emotional daughter who was in a situation no one ever dreams of being in.

When we make it back to our apartment, I pause when I see a familiar face standing at the door.


She looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Chris!"

She quickly closes the space between us and holds her arms out as if she wants to hug me. I cut my eyes at Lucy who is staring daggers through her. I had forgotten she's seen Jenny around before I left for Australia.

I quickly wrap an arm around Lucy and stop Jenny dead in her tracks. "What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"Well, I was...looking for you," she says, looking from Lucy, back to me. "Do you have a minute?"

"I'm sorry, I don't. We're kind of in the middle of something," I answer.

Her face falls. "Please? I came all this way, the least you can do is talk to me."

"You don't understand, we're really in the middle of something. Something important. I don't have time to talk," I say a bit harshly. "How did you even find me?"

"This was the address listed on your original application," she answers stiffly, trying to hold back tears.

"So you went through my confidential file to track me down on another continent? What on earth could you be coming to tell me that's so important?!" I ask, growing more and more frustrated with her.

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