Chapter 5

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Present Day Continued....

"Wow, I was starting to worry," Andrew says when Chris and I join everyone else at the table about twenty minutes later.

Annie looks from Chris to me and raises a brow. But since I can't even make eye contact with her, I quickly look away. I feel so guilty. I know what needs to happen, but I'm not letting it happen. And Chris isn't either. It's like we're too stupid to see all the signs pointing us both in different directions.

"They were just getting it on in the women's bathroom. Why were you worried?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, it's just a normal Friday night," Cole shrugs.

While our friends go on and on about our random disappearances over the years, my phones vibrates to let me know I've received a text. I look down and my heart skips a beat when I see Chris' name.

Chris: We should tell them now, while they least expect it.

I look up at him, furrowing my brows. I know this isn't the right time, but the way we've always so savagely handled our friends is part of why I loved Chris and I together so much. We naturally play off each other and create quite the comedic duo. Catching them off guard is what we do best and this, no doubt, is going to take the cake for the most out of left field thing we've ever dropped on them.

Because on the outside, Chris and I seem perfect. And for a long time, I guess we were. My life was never perfect. I've been through more than most people have to endure in a lifetime in only a few years. But Chris was my stronghold through everything. He never left my side.

Not from the start.

5 years ago, Penn State University

"Miss Sunday," Ms. Stephens says in a disappointed tone as soon as I walk into the library.

Ugh, I've been dreading having to face her ever since she called me at 11:30pm last night and asked me why the lights were still on at library. I didn't have the nerve to tell her what really happened, so I told her I got spooked and left in a hurry. She bought it for the time being, but I knew a sharp woman like herself would catch onto me eventually.

So I hang my head in shame as I approach her.

"Assuming that you did not know there are cameras in every corner of this room, I'm going to let you slide this time. I know how it feels to be young and in love," she goes on, surprising the hell out of me.

I look up at her in surprise.

She smirks at me. "Next time, make sure your job is done before you run off with prince charming."

" know then..." I say as she walks past me to her desk at the center of the library.

She laughs out loud, obviously mocking me. "Honey, I knew it before it even happened. I see you every day. Of course I notice when something else has your attention."

I smile to myself, even though I'm still quite embarrassed by this whole ordeal. The fact that Ms. Stephenson pays such close attention to me makes me feel like she truly cares. And I could use a little concern from someone, considering my own parents can't be bothered with me. Especially lately.

"I'm so sorry. I promise, I'll never let it happen again," I say, blowing out the nervous breath I've been holding.

"Relax, Lucy," she smiles, taking a seat and getting her things situated. "I'm just glad to see you putting yourself out there. You're such a pretty girl, but you spend so much of your time here when you should be out there enjoying the best years of your life."

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