Chapter 6

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Present Day

I've been silently stirring my drink, letting my mind be consumed with memories. Some of which I haven't thought of in such a long time. Those memories remind me of just how far Chris and I have come. In fact, I don't think I could've made it through the past five years of my life without him. I had no idea at the time we were only just confessing our love to each other that Chris would quickly become my safe place, my go-to person.

When I needed someone most, he came at just the right time...

And he really was my rock through it all.

I look over at him while he sits and pretends to listen to our friends laughing and talking together. He's forcing a smile every once in a while, but it's clear his mind is elsewhere.

He looks up at me and catches my eyes, and though I'm tempted to look away, I don't. I want to say something, but nothing feels right. I mean, we broke up hours ago, but then had sex in the bathroom twenty minutes ago. It didn't erase the issues in our relationship. If only it really were that easy...the way it used to be.

Chris used to be my escape from everything. He made the world make sense again. He gave me the strength to go on.

And I guess that's why I feel so selfish for wanting him to stay here with me when he has such a big opportunity. I had told myself that my love for him is the reason I was ending our relationship; so he could be free to explore this new opportunity with nothing holding him back.

"How is your mom doing, Lucy?" Cole asks, making my heart dip at just the mention of her.

Chris and I share a look. He knows what a touchy subject my mother is for me. None of my friends, including Annie, know just how bad things had gotten between mom and me. But Chris knows. He knows almost everything.

"She's fine," Chris finally answers on my behalf.

Cole looks to me and furrows his brows as if he's waiting for me to go on, but luckily, Chris changes the subject.

"So Annie, what does your dad have to say about you getting married in a black dress?"

Annie gasps as all eyes turn to her. She looks around at us as if she's shocked that we know. Actually, I was the only one she told, but then I told Chris. And now due to his panicked subject change, everyone knows.

"What?!" Andrew and Cole ask at the same time.

Annie gives me a look; one that lets me know she intends to make me pay for this later. I only grimace.

She clears her throat and sits up straight. "That's right. I'm wearing black. What of it?"

"Well, you're definitely not a virgin, so I guess white was never an option, but black?" Andrew asks, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"Ivory is pretty. Why didn't you go with that?" Cole asks.

"I may as well just carry a sign that says 'I'm not a virgin'," Annie replies in annoyance. "I know black isn't conventional, but I don't want to be conventional. Sam and I want to do things our way."

"Black is the color of death," Cole says, still clearly confused by all this.

Everyone laughs except for Sam and Annie. They only look around at us like they have no idea why we'd think this is funny. I have no idea why they would think we wouldn't. Annie's not a black wedding dress type of girl at all, but Sam brings out the weird in her.

"I thought women wore black dresses for divorce ceremonies," Chris says.

"Oh yeah, I saw something about that in an article once. Women are having ceremonies to celebrate divorce and they wear black wedding dresses or either do something crazy to the original dress," Andrew adds.

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